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Canada's Justin Turdu gets yelled at by angry Canadians again (pay attn to big potato nose cop)!!

Published on 10 May 2023 / In Film & Animation

Trudeau must be getting used to being yelled at by now....

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joolco22 2 years ago

Does anyone wonder why Albertans want to be rid of the Grey Shirt Gestapo, fascist pricks. Trudeau wants to remove the guns from the people but allows the fascist RCMP to carry them to kill citizens when ever they choose

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usr6874038614 2 years ago

Justin Treason-deau should not have a single moment of peace anymore, so should all his other WEF cult colleagues.

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I can't wait until his murder is live streamed - preferably after his trial - and on the way to the gallows - where he gets butchered by the crowds - prefereably by those who have GOOD reasons to kill him - like him murdering their families and freinds with the Blod Clot Death Shot.

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Big sharp combat knives would be good - just slice him up to the bone.... But it would not last long and very few people would get a turn. Me thinks hard little bamboo tooth picks - and a million people getting a turn to stab him to death with them.... --------

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usr6874038614 2 years ago

Ah, the good old days of public lynching; a tool populations used to keep their leaders in check. Way more effective than voting...

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Doomguy 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: too easy... He should be enslaved and worked until he repays all the wealth he stole or until he dies. Whichever comes first. Ideally he will be allowed just enough nourishment and rest so he can work well into enfeeblement.

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buddd 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: take it from me buddy, as much as he is an evil piece of shit the Canadians are giant pussies. 95% of people in this country deserve to die and they are enablers of the Communists that they supposedly complain about. The few Canadians that actually understand what's going on won't do anything because they understand that they're going to get backstabbed by the pussified population around them.

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