Never forget in canadian history nova scotia area french colonies and others settled the british when they took over arrested and split up families sent them to british colonies all over. Keep in mind mail and internet did not exist back then. In american history even after the revolution we were still paying on debt owed to England.
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Never forget in canadian history nova scotia area french colonies and others settled the british when they took over arrested and split up families sent them to british colonies all over. Keep in mind mail and internet did not exist back then. In american history even after the revolution we were still paying on debt owed to England.
Majore cover ups and data bleaching is going on in canadian hospitals.
Wait, I have a better idea... why not start deleting the least intelligent Cuckadains first. Surely they won't be missed, right?!/fileImage/h
Fuckin Cuckadians... there's your solution. Don't kill your sorry asses, get drunk.