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Candace Owens REACTS to the Johnny Depp v Amber Heard Verdict

Published on 02 Jun 2022 / In Film & Animation

Thank you to Amber Heard for shattering the absurd MeToo movement.

Maybe everyone in the world can garner the courage to stop following toxic online trends.

More from my Instagram:

I Will Be EXPOSING Patrisse Cullors and Black Lives Matter:

Black America Owes Me AN APOLOGY — Here's Why:

Kanye is right. 8-year-olds should not have social media.:

#Candace #CandaceOwens #CandaceOwensInstagram #CandaceInstagramRant #News #Politics #DailyWire #AmberHeard #JohnnyDepp #DrLuke #Kesha #MattLauer #MeToo #MenToo #HimToo #JohnnyDeppAmberHeard #JohnnyDeppAmberHeardTrial #AmberHeardCourt #JohnnyDeppCourt #Court #JackSparrow #CaptainJackSparrow #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #Ukraine

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sauger1001 3 years ago

Actually, Matt Lauer was fired from NBC's "Today Show", not ABC.

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GhostPlodderES 3 years ago

Black women absolutely hate you because you disagree with them and they can't control you. But secretly they are envious of your femininity, something they'll never have. Good to see you enjoying life and family, and that you escaped the crabs that would hold you down.

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GhostPlodderES 3 years ago

You are the women I grew up with 50 years ago, believed in right from wrong. Congrats to you for escaping that black female mental illness that votes over 95% for democrats that give them money and destroy their community.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

All people are doing is virtue signaling which pretends they have done something they perceive is good

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Yes Yes - Burn Loot Murder is Good - Orange Man Bad! Ukraine Nazis Good - Russia Putin Bad! Amber Terd is Good - Depp is Bed Shitting Wife Beater! - OK so what is next weeks cause - I feel a costume change is coming on.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Real men will prevail

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@SoloMan Zone: Yeah the daily outrage gets a bit tiring - kind of like feeding chickens bread scraps - throw some to one end of the pen and they all go running after it and then throw some bread to the other end of the pen, and they all run after that... After a while it gets kind of tiring - as in the stack of issues to be outraged about now starts looking endless and I am not taking care of my own fucking issues - the MEDIA is one huge time wasting MIND FUCK. Sure I think it pays to get an education on the big wide world... and how it all works e.g. Antifa and BLM are not infact genuine momements, they are corporate scams to play standover merchant bullshit and they get paid to convert dumb cunts into useful idiots... and then the George Soros - pay us, and the staged outrage events with the cops going along with this shit - hand in hand... and the Zionist Occupied Governments, I mean it's all bullshit.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Have a beer buddy, I am

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@SoloMan Zone: Dan Andrews and his Crooked NWO comrades. Brussels - What really happened | Janet Ossebaard Victoria Police tests new weapons on protesters Victoria Police shoot Aussies at the Shrine of Remembrance Victoria Police goons at construction workers' protest in Melbourne Australia, 21 September 2021 Having failed dismally in their attempts to shut down the massive protest held by construction workers in Melbourne today, Victoria Police must have felt a little embarassed. In a last ditch effort to save face they put on a ridiculously disproportionate and thoroughly empty show of force, deploying hundreds of police in riot formation against three women and a handful of men. VICTORIA POLICE - A STATE RUN TERRORIST ARMY Victoria Police Shoot Unarmed Australian Civilians

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