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Carnivore Diet & Going Your Own Way is The Way


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Published on 31 Aug 2024 / In Entertainment

This is the way, if you're a man. Meat, animal fats, animals products. That's what the human diet is supposed to be. Not pasta, and fruit, and fiber. That stuff is poison, and why you're fat, out of shape, and have no energy. Carnivore is the way to go your own way.

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WMHarrison94 6 months ago

But, I do agree mostly... at the Fall of Man... fucking Simp Adam... he should have told Lilith to ride him like a pony... but no, Pride Cometh Before the Fall... anyways, nude Adam and Lilith and later Eve did eat of the trees thereof... Then, God (El) killed a buck or deer to cloth them and they eat the cooked meat thereof... I guess you don't like smoking those plant toxins... tobacco or weed! So, you seem like a pretty decent guy! LOL!

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WMHarrison94 6 months ago

Hmmm. I disagree. Humans were not giants: There were hybrid human giants six digits and all as the Bible described... preFlood they were twenty to thirty feet tall, some taller, postFlood usually seven to about twenty feet tall the average being fifteen feet. Sure, you may not believe in the Bible...that's okay. You can be wrong. The Exodus is real from Avaris Egypt around 1,500 BC under Pharaoh Ahmose I: They the Egyptians themselves wrote it in stone about five times... Temple Stele, Ahmose's Stele, Admonitions of a Sage or Ipuwer Payrus as Jews and Christians called it, etc including two stone pillars to mark the Red Sea crossing... one has fallen... but believe as Lame Stream media and Academia liks to tell you... "There is no proof in The New Kingdom for Exodus." No shit, Jericho was burned shortly after Fall harvest in Middle Kingdom...along with Ahmose I, the Ipuwer Papyrus, the explosion of Santorini or Thera (island) and the sunking of Spanish coast Atlantis as told to Solon by the Egyptian priest... but as I said "There is no evidence" do not look at the carvings and paintings in stone... Nevermind, that I can show 3D in 2D sequential carvings of Moses and the Red Sea parting including the chase and drowning of soldiers and Nomadic hunter gatherers were taller and stronger due to more complete nutrition at important or critical growth phases...

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QuantMan 6 months ago

@6:25 - I'm definitely thinking better. I have been reviewing an advanced math book call "Complex Analysis" and I'm starting to see things in pictures in my mind. All of this has been happening since I have been on the carnivore diet.

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The Realist Philosopher

It's the diet humans are supposed to be on.

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WMHarrison94 6 months ago

@The Realist Philosopher: perhaps... Sure, vegans are stupid, but you asked about the lion's fiber? Well, that's where human ass comes in...

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