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Cave Exploring Gone WRONG - The Veryovkina Cave Incidents

Published on 20 Jun 2022 / In Film & Animation

Cave exploring gone horrifyingly wrong. These are the stories of the deepest cave on earth, Veryovkina Cave.

Extreme hobbies can sometimes have extreme consequences...

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Music: "Creep" by Emmit Fenn

References and Further Reading

*Image at 15:58 is not a real image*

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Drums_McBashington 3 years ago

"... the same as stacking 23 Statues of Liberty on top of one another." ...and jamming them into the ground. Overlooked detail.
People like the adrenaline rush, flirting with death makes them 'feel alive', until they die, of course. Then, everybody is all "life is so unfair"
When's the feminist team going in? Other feminists could rescue them when things go awry, then, more, other feminists could rescue the rescuers. We could just keep going until it's full. One can cram a lot of useless feminists into 23 statues of Liberty.

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Yeah - it's quite a deep hole isn't it..... I had one thought, though.... if it sometimes floods, then where does the water get out - somewhere down near the very bottom? I don't want to explore that either.

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Drums_McBashington 3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Well they found one lake, probably a few more down there, plus a million cracks, crannies and crevices. I suppose there would be some evaporation and absorption. Possibly China. Let's not forget them.

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@Drums_McBashington: Limestone - gets dissolved and carried away in underground rivers..... either via major holes, or percolating through sand.....

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Michael_Alexandroff 3 years ago

Spelunking in such deep caves is harrowing stuff, but now I'm worried that they might explore too deep and discover a passage to Hell and accidentally awaken a Balrog, or even worse, awaken a Femon.

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I was thinking at that this great depth, the earth would be getting fairly hot - perhaps and the idea of putting a drill down a few hundred meters or more and creating a small geothermal power station might be a worthwhile idea.... Naica 2: Return of the Crystal Cave

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