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CDC Inflates COVID-19 Deaths

Published on 01 Nov 2021 / In News & Politics

⁣CDC Inflates COVID-19 Deaths

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Drums_McBashington 3 years ago

They muddied the waters with incompetent females. Every level of every institution. They use them as spokesmen to appeal to emotion, gain maternal trust. Women would never hurt you. Your mother was a woman. Blah blah... yadda.

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Mustang 3 years ago

This is why you cannot trust the numbers the Mainstream News Media, Health Care Officials, and the Government put out. They claim 675,000 people have died WITH the Chinese Virus. Notice it's "with" not "from". In other words, the Chinese Virus DIDN'T cause their deaths, they just died with the Virus.
The CDC says that those people had 2.6 Comorbidities and that only 5% of those numbers actually died from the Chinese Virus. That means that the Virus has only caused the deaths of 33,750 people!!!! THE SAME NUMBER AS THE COMMON, ORDINARY FLU THAT OCCURS EVERY YEAR!!!!!!!!! (And we don't shut down Economies or institute Mask/Vaccine Mandates for it).
I will say this again and again : THERE IS NO PANDEMIC!!! Do you see why some people refer to this so called "Pandemic" as a Scamdemic???

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sauger1001 3 years ago

Even liars and thieves get tired of constantly being lied to.

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bigintol03 3 years ago

It's ALL a hoax!

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