Celestina Says: Consequentionalist Morality
Published on 08 May 2020 / In
Herd morality is no good.
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I miss Celestina. Don't see why Monkey can't make her a separate channel again.
Everyone losing their mind about Projekt Melody. They made in KoiK within a week. Her stream ain't shit compared to KoiK. And you don't have to community worship fap through a give me money to remain unemployed stream. I'm still betting that's a guy behind the voice.
I've given up trying to change people's minds unless they're already a little bit receptive. Just learn who the baddies are, and avoid avoid avoid.
The ideal female voice is this robotic voice. Beep bop, beep.
Still delights me to no end that TFM is using the absolute best virtual porn games for creating virtual Celestinas.
Honey Select Repack v3.5
KoiKatsu Repack v9.3
Illusion Booru and Kenzato to shop for free waifus :)
Playhome and AI Girl look great also but I need to get an external harddrive. These games take up a ton of room.