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Published on 18 Jan 2020 / In News & Politics

Depravity is the cool that is promoted by the powers that be for over 100 years. Now, there is no where to go but to just make the depravity entertainment. Step aside from the filth, wash yourself, then head towards living a life beyond reproach. The legal system is fully depraved - so enter no contract with a woman nor otherwise invite the government into your life. Stay safe, stay clean, stay MGTOW.

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KEEPER 5 years ago

Watching The Young Turks in general a waste of your time. Watching cenk ugar talking about animal consent the time of my life LOL and then watching the reaction of his own staff make fun of him priceless

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Hagbard138 5 years ago

IRL I know a couple of Armenians, and they gave me the inside baseball regarding Ana Kasparian. The name of Cenk's show is of course, The Young Turks. The real Young Turks were a group of young Army Officers in Turkey that staged a coup against The Sultan. They were responsible for the deaths of millions of Assyrians, Greeks, and Armenians. The very term is highly offensive to Armenians, and the Armenians I have met have made a couple of analogies. One was that it would be like a group of low-rent Whites from The South calling itself "The Cross Burners" and having a Black co-host shucking/jiving eathing watermelon and fried chicken. Cenk has tip-toed around the role of The Turks in The Armenian Genocide for years.

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Mgtow_Values 5 years ago

Yes, another analogy is: Hitler Youth. Imagine naming a news show: Hitler's Youth. Cenk and Ana have zero self-reflection.

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Hagbard138 5 years ago

@Mgtow_Values: My politics veer to the non-Cuckservative Right, but suddenly find myself agreeing with real Progressives (for the "wrong" reasons). Styhexenhammer666 nailed Cenk and The Young Turks, they are fake Progressives on the Corporate Take. Jimmy Dore is actually an honest Progressive. With all that said, The whole show is a giant circle jerk of self-congratulation.

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