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Chad SUES 50 Women For DEFAMATION After Negative Comments On Facebook DATING Group | #Mentoo???

Published on 23 Mar 2024 / In People & Blogs

Man SUES 50 Women For DEFAMATION After Negative Comments On Facebook DATING Group "Are We dating the same guy?" Modern Dating is confusing for men and women. Our videos are made for educational purposes.

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WMHarrison94 12 months ago

Yeah... don't be there is always the best defense... The Cathedral has done a great job of using these women these whores to destroy men and families and expose their kids so these pedophiles can molest them all for "FEMINISM! YEAH!" NOoooooo. So, I would say fuck them, but don't... stay away from these walking petri dishes of STDs... Thank you feminist cunts for telling us men how you really think and showing what you really do (the whores that you are)... you freed man a men from slavery, from the yolk of an unbearable society... Oh So SAD, TOO BAD it's all coming crashing down burning with you screaming... kind of reminds me of gonorrhea: The burning sensations and of course the burning bush involved... (I was a medic-- I never had STDs but had patients who did...)

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WMHarrison94 12 months ago

Yeah, but a "SAFE SPACE" for women is where they can destroy, coerce, beat, kill, and rape men without consequences... just saying.

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WMHarrison94 12 months ago

Oh NO! Women are being held accountable for their actions and specifically their words?!?! ":Lies! Lies!" Oh, Clown World just got interesting... boo who you lying bitches, and that one chick likely is stupid as fuck!

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sbseed 12 months ago

i do have sympathy for the guys that get trapped through no fault of their own though, they are the few that are never talked about (or known about) until they suicide.
even then still do not know (or hear) about 3/4 of them because it is just guys that are being taken advantage of and killed/dying.

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sbseed 12 months ago

this is awesome, the proverbial shoe is on the other foot for once...
they want to try to use these guys as a walking wallet and a way to monetize themselves on jewtube and elsewhere...

this shit happens to guys where they get sued for dumb shit, not even slander, that is unprovable and yet still get destroyed by the whores...
both parties involved themselves in this stupidity and all of them get to deal with whatever consequences come there way, no sympathy for the stupids.

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