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Chameleon Crisis - Mgtow

Published on 10 Jul 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Techno1954 4 years ago

MGTOW - Men Guarding Their Own Wallets.

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ancientredpill 4 years ago

Being a young man today involved in trying to have a relationship with a female is like walking in a cow pasture at night, you are bound to step into a lot of shit.

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ancientredpill 4 years ago

Feminism has no where to go, wave one "The right to vote" was won at the expense of a mandatory draft registration for men. Wave two "My body my choice" was won at the cost of murderous abortion and the destruction of the family and men's rights regarding the creation of life. Wave three "Equality in education, workplace" was won at the cost of higher unemployment of qualified men and the decreasing number of men entering the toxic environment of college. Now that they have achieved special rights and protection not just equal rights and opportunities wave four is strictly one of revenge and an outpouring of frustration and hatred towards men who have been vilified on mass for their natural role as father and as an example of what masculinity should be. With all they have been given not earned they are still empty, shallow and resort to their sexuality in order to attract a man and they hate that fact, despite all their efforts they have failed to achieve an equality in spirit with men and still do not understand the essence (definition-"the permanent as contrasted with the accidental element of being", "the individual, real, or ultimate nature of a thing especially as opposed to its existence") of what a MAN is.

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ancientredpill 4 years ago

So true I have been watching Red Pill/MGTOW content now for 5-6 years and in the beginning all of these THOTS laughed at the philosophy of MGTOW and mocked those who expressed the logic/statistics concerning women's Hypergamy , well many of them are not laughing now, so what do they do, exhibit one of their greatest weapons, that of deception by going chameleon and outwardly agreeing with what MGTOW has been saying about women's nature all along. Stay safe and remember there is one constant to adhere to always keep improving you own intellectual, financial and spiritual wellbeing. "MGTOW Rise Above"

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Think or Die
Think or Die 4 years ago

Daughters of Babylon. Keep going Lion.

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BornMGTOWHatedByAll 4 years ago

Daughters of Satan*

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