Chasing Sunsets Pt. 25: Skydiving Our Way Into Chapter 9!
Published on 23 Nov 2024 / In
Game: Chasing Sunsets (Stone Fox Studios)
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Oh GOD he got her a clone of her Dog Bandit great name for a Dog Reminds me of the original Bandit Burt Reynolds ;D
I wish I could get a clone of my Dogs that have been past away I would really like that so congrats to Mallory and good on him for making that happen doesn't make it easier if we should go down her path and she did say she has a surprise for the main character when she gets back and wants to explore more sexually for their relationship so maybe unless we go down the redhead path and shooting her while she takes a piss was epic haha \G/
Wow what a game changer of an episode.
Both are smoking Hot and if we have to choose anyone let's go with Redhead she was our sister now not our sister so it's all good no Alabama keep it in the Family business there and plus that sex scene we had with her and the writing of that scene was amazing so maybe some more with her in my opinion \G/