CHECK OUT THIS BEFORE YOU GO SHOPPING- #breakingnews #retail #shopping
Living alone I thought there must be a better way to shop for one? the mistrust bothg the public have against the supermarket giants and the supermarkets themselves showing us they don't trust OUR costume anymore I have started shopping at a few local Farm Shops and outlets in my local country side. This week alone I have save £24 on my basic shopping bill and the produce is local and sustainable. So I now give my money to small out;ets and local farmer's. I'm soick of the corporates and their CRAP be it food or mind bending advertising, so I'm going back in time. The other side to Farm Shopping is I am already feelinbg a 100% better in my health and well being by eating meat with NO water pumped into it, OK it cost a little more but I'm only shopping for ME. Freshly baked Bread and pork pies' and fruit pies etc, all behind Glass NOT plastic packaging. Add the enjoyable ride out o9n my Motorcycle to get my produce then all is a pretty good deal over all. I* do keep a little milk in the freezer from a supermarket, but now I buy large 2kg bag's od powdered milk. found a place where I can get Free Range "Large" hen's eggs and I mean Large egg's Again coast a little more but I can pick out what I like and the container (eggbox" is provided, in fact I take the box back when I need Eggs so as to save their stock. They taste better than battery Egg's with a smoother more natural taste to them. fuck Government, fuck Corporates, I'm a Brother doing it for myself! lol!
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Shop Lifting?
If they are genuinely struggling to get by, help them - a little and sometimes for a price.
But if they are just stealing shit... for the sake of stealing - shoot them in the back of the head, as they run out the door.