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China is Stealing Air now? Seriously?

Published on 31 Jul 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Air Thieves are a massive nuisance in China...

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sauger1001 7 months ago

Grew up during the summer months with a box fan in the window. Don't know when A/C was invented. Sometimes reached 100°F, but mostly 80s-90s. Did better to go fishing, where at least the breeze off Lake Michigan acted as a natural A/C.

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WMHarrison94 7 months ago

Yeah... that was common knowledge amoung leaders and engineers. Why do you think ancient Rome and Greece had water fountains all over their cities? First, it was to supply to the masses, ie their citizens. Second, it was to put water vapor in the air to cool the atmosphere. The marble and brick much like our cement absorbs the sun's heat and dissipates all day into the night making cities hotter. In India, during the height of Kama Sutra, a prince or king built a structure with underground or bottom floor bedroom with wide windows and a pool on either side for his favorite wife. That way whatever direction the wind was blowing, cool water vapor air cooled them off during their uhm Kama Sutra sessions.... hey, the king's gotta have heirs!

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Toki 7 months ago

The companies own all the wealth. If the average folks work they get paid barely anything. The mystery is why they keep having kids. Sounds like a welfare State problem otherwise they would starve.

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Though to be fair....

I went up to the north eat of Australia into the sort of tropics, in the summer time, and it was the hottest summer in 35 years up there.

The humidity was 99% and it was 38*C....

The back packers had NO air conditioning...

NO ONE was walking the streets - only me.

AND - the ONLY place to cool down was to sit nearly inside the vertical refrigerated shelves in the super market.

It was a week before I could get the 3000 Km interconnecting trains all the way back south....

I got out...

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WMHarrison94 7 months ago

Ah... pussies. Try walking up to a nine 99 degrees Fahrenheit knowing it only gets hotter, like a hundred twenty degrees in 90% or higher humidity; at least I was a flyer and would be in the higher, cooler atmosphere soon...

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WMHarrison94 7 months ago

That was Qatar for me...

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@WMHarrison94: Jesus fuck........... 120F and 99% humidity....... Jesus Fuck.... Rolls Eyes - Falls Over Dead.

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@WMHarrison94: IF you are stuck there - no air con.... HOW do you survive that? Lay in a kiddies wader pool in the shade? Seriously - I have been in 48*C.... but that was inside... the humidity was like ?????? Fuck I dunno... It was aweful... I dunno 28 - 38% humidity - but not 99% humidity.... If your not born into that and have generations used to that, and are not kitted out for that in desert dwellers clothing and habits - rest periods etc... THAT is a really deadly temperature... AND humidity level.... AND I am not that sure that laying in a kiddies wader pool is actually going to help much at all...... Maybe did a deep hole and chamber and have a small entrance and 20 or 30 cm of sand on top.... The arab equivalent of Cooper Pedy. BUT I have seen the desert ice maker buildings that allow the very cold night air to sink down into the basement... and the heat to rise out the top.... slowly making large volumes of ice...

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WMHarrison94 7 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: oh no... you don't wanna do that... go underground and the camel spiders and scorpions come out to play, and the pool... unless you got a good sunshade over it, it magnifies the heat and burns you... like deep sun burning... They told us to drink 2 like hige water bottles a day like 1.5 liter bottles. Technically, it was too hot to work according to our tech manuals and training... but suck it up buttercup... the mission needs to get done. Men in worse situations are depending on you to well stay alive and like pick them up... provide air support, ie bombing the shit out of the desert...

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WMHarrison94 7 months ago

Sadly, I had no near death experiences there, well maybe an occasional heat stroke... but mostly heat exhaustion and exhaustion from like pering every ten minutes...

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@WMHarrison94: Duhh... I mean like the kiddies wader pool or something like that, in the shade, under the veranda, and out of the hot breeze / winds.....

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@WMHarrison94: Would it really even work when the humidity is like 99% and it's 48*C? Where is the limit to where "it's just too hot" and without an insulated building and air conditioning your going to die anyway?

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@WMHarrison94: Sort of like Aussie Bush Fires.... the only thing you can do is park the car in the middle of the sports field, where there is no grass and then wind up all the windows and pull blankets over themselves... and wait it out...

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