Chinese Fuse and Firecracker Manufacturing (English Full Documentary)
Instagram / Tiktok: pyros4all
"Diese Doku behandelt das Thema Feuerwerks-Herstellung in China.
Besuch einer chinesischen Knallfrosch, Cracker und Cake-Fabrik. Sie können sehen, wie die Feuerwerkskörper von Grund auf hergestellt werden. Sehen Sie, unterschiedliche Techniken und Maschinen. Beobachten Sie die faszinierenden Arbeitsschritte wie "Sechsecke" gebündelt werden, dann geschickt in der Mitte geschnitten werden. Dann sehen Sie, wie die Rohre geladen, zum Crimpen, verschmolzen, aufgereiht und verpackt sind. Gefilmt, bearbeitet und erzählt von einem westlichen Experten. Fabriken in der Nähe von Liyuang City, Hunan Province, China" _____________________________________________________________________________
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The history of the manufacturing of black powder, is pretty incredible....
And in this documentary - you get to see "Hmmm" - I won't say shitty low IQ designs, but there is vast room for improvement.
But the use of OLD wooden milling machines and other things are relevant because they are NON sparking...
So is the use of mostly open work areas.
However I am a fan of WET grinding of the ingredients as a slightly mushy paste, and far better mills and milling techniques... They use too much energy and take too long and there is too much fucking around - and it's on a batch by batch basis.... Instead of continiously milling it - as a product in and product out.
But you can learn alot from the very basic - and slightly mechanised production and assembly techniques.
"Why is it done this way? How can it be done better?
I am thinking, "The cases are rolled and they should be assembled as live crackers, in the one go, after rolling of the cases."
There are some manufacturing techniques and the way the powder is created after the milling...
Many other ideas.