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Chinese hiker miraculously survives falling off cliff

Published on 23 Sep 2024 / In News & Politics

Few people get an opportunity to record what should be their untimely death. Even fewer manage to survive. Meng Yang managed to do just that, when he fell off a cliff.

The 42-year-old was hiking in China’s beautiful Fanzengjian mountains, in Anhui, recording himself with a handheld 360-degree camera. The conditions were treacherous, with rain making the rocks slick and slippery. He fell. ‘I realized I couldn’t get up at all and was sliding faster and faster, that’s when it hit me – I must be falling off a cliff,’ Meng told CNN. That wasn’t the only thing that hit him, though. Fortunately for him, a tree was there to break his fall, and luckily, nothing else. ‘When I hit the tree, it felt like a heavy rock crashing down. I was just thinking, ‘there’s no way I’m dead’.’

Spoiler alert: he was not dead. In fact, other than a few cuts and bruises, he was fine, and able to share the video of his miraculous survival on Chinese social media site Douyin. He also decided to share a few words of inspiration for those wanting to follow his example and somehow not die when doing something cool. ‘Life is really short, so we need to cherish every day. I won’t let this incident hold me back. If anything, it’s pushing me to explore the world even more,’ he said.

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