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Chinese LEFTOVER Women Traveling To The US To FREEZE Their Eggs, FAIL To Care About What Men Want

Published on 11 Aug 2024 / In People & Blogs

"Frozen in time" Highlights Chinese LEFTOVER Women Traveling To The US To FREEZE Their Eggs. It's obvious that the women FAIL To Care About What Men Want. Modern Dating is confusing for men and women. Our videos are made for educational purposes.

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hndsoff 7 months ago

so .13 * .16 = .02XX so the chance of a single woman freezing egg resulting in live birth is 2% and the baby could be deformed or retarded isnt even being taken into the equation. only 13 percent ever return to use their garbage frozen eggs good stat. i knew it was around 1 to 2% from the outset, now i see why lying through stats, only 13% bother to actually use the egg and then only 16% get to live birth which still sounds kind of high.

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WMHarrison94 6 months ago

Funny. If I had some money in a couple of years, I was thinking of buying some frozen eggs...

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hndsoff 6 months ago

@WMHarrison94: why buy garbage, their eggs were not frozen at 18 - 22, they were frozen at 32 or later

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Toki 7 months ago

So that's why they are sneaking into the USSA? Traveling? They are migrating to the USSA. How about we trade with the CCP. They can have blacks and their culture with the music and everything. America gets Chinese folks who might get jobs and work. They may even open restaurants which are far better than corporate America restaurants. They can bring their Chinese music culture which can't be any worse than blacks. if anything their culture is decent and interesting as Asian people have cool culture/music/art/best entertainment. Also trading black women for Chinese women? I'm not going to date or pursue the Chinese women but at least they are nicer to look at when I have to leave my home. Better taste in fashion and music for example. They don't look and act like males. They won't temporarily waste space in male workplaces either. Chinawomen will only work girly jobs like nail salons. Unless they are corporate assholes but they don't count because they don't work anyways. I'm talking about my local area where corporate people don't live thank God. But we have lots of nice Asian restaurants and they run the nail salons. You go to the Asian restaurant and there's a guarantee they won't be broadcasting annoying hip hop/rap so that's nice. Nowadays you go to a Walgreens and they play that garbage over the store speakers trying to be woke and capitulate to the blacks who won't sit down and shut up. Someone shoot me I can't stand being a prisoner of idiot culture anymore. If I go to a store I want anime OSTs. Some classics is fine. Old rock. Some Hatsune Miku would lift my spirits out of endless depression. But no the pharmacy plays the depressing hippy hop cRap because they want everyone to be depressed and homicidal I guess. Take that commie music shit to China and get out here.

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Women's Failure Mode Mindset.

"Me, Me, Me, and Me. All About ME."

Surprised? No.

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