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CHRIS SKY - Trespassed and almost arrested for REFERENCING AN ANTI ISRAEL social media post

Published on 15 Oct 2023 / In Film & Animation


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Israel Iron Dome SCAM FAKE WAR EXPOSED - Fake Media War Propaganda Opp

To me it looks like this - every impact between an object going from A to B, hitting another object going from B to A, not only from cars at low speed, to rockets with war heads at very high speed, there is a shower of debris, with sparks and flaming bits, and solid parts, spraying off in kind of two different directions.....

Out of a whole heap of "direct hits" I just saw a singular bang, with no debris, no flames, no warheads, no propellant chunks etc.. spraying off in two general directions....

In this documentary "Defamation" - they demonstrate the incalculation of fear, by the jewish scum, into the younger generations, and they do this systematically all around the world - the govenments and the media and the lies they tell are designed to keep people, entire populations, constantly in fear.


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AddressThe Prime Minister's Office, Public Enquiries Department, Kiryat Ben Gurion, Building C, Jerusalem 91950, Israel


The staged war fighting against the innocents

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - you have been exposed in telling the Israeli Defence Forces to stand down, while Hamas invaded in great numbers and with heavy eqipment - through the border.

Your oppression and murder of the People of Palestien will not go unpunished.

God makes all things possible.


Subject: Acknowledgment of e-mail receipt CRM:666-666-666
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2023
From: Prime Minister's Office
To: Shane Hanson

We acknowledge receipt of your e-mail to the Prime Minister's Office.

All e-mails are read, and where appropriate, you will receive a relevant reply.

Prime Minister's Office – E-Correspondence

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Councilof1 1 year ago

He's lucky he wasn't in Canada. You can do hard time if you say anything negative about Israel or the jewish people. It's part of the Criminal Code except when the government does it of course. You know like inviting Nazi's LoL.

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The cops are just retarded political stooges....

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Councilof1 1 year ago

They really should question the orders/command's they're given. If they did they probably wouldn't be cop's for long.

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