Christianity is an expansion of Judaism to all
Published on 05 Feb 2022 / In
Film & Animation
Alex Jones,a dedicated loyal slave christian admits Christianity and Jesus are nothing more than an expansion of Judaism to all.
Christians are Jews who believe in Jewish middle eastern culture and
want to destroy all western white culture and replace it with their own
in the name of the Jews and their god.
And here's a real no shit christian admitting it while wearing a smile and thinking he's the good guy.
cannot trust those who worship that god,no matter who they are the best
of them hate everything about us and what we built and hate our
cultures and hate what we whites believe.
They are not your friends. They don't accept you and they don't like you
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So,BAgoodman has now officially been blocked
He just started talking "BOOMER" shit,spouting numbers like "me older than you dur me old man" and I decided he has nothing beneficial to add to the conversation.
I like having dialogue with people who have something to say,some argument that they want to make.
I HATE having dialogue with people who only want to mindlessly hurl insults and talk shit.
I don't have time for you,I've put off what I have to do today long enough
Its time for me to go cut piping and lay bricks.
Fuck him,hes not worth my time I have better things to do.I have a war to prepare for
I'm more than willing to defend my beliefs because I'm right
But these Christ cuck retards sure do become annoying
Hopefully I don't have to start blocking people like on the other platforms I'm on. But if they keep spouting out worthless bullshit lies or moronic insults and try to ego shame I will block them
Funny thing is the people I have problems with are always either abrahamic or they follow abrahamic values
The pagans and atheists aren't douchbags like the abrahamic fools
No worries demon K - I myself have a lot of weapons and ammo have had all my life ! I know you have read the book - the demon or devil world loses in the end - So no big deal to me Lol .
soon we'll actually have EXTRA guns
Might just keep buying more shotguns idk pump actions are pretty cheap right now and they are effective and 12 gauge ammo is plentiful