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Published on 11 Sep 2020 / In Travel & Events

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finkster 5 years ago  

The strike on Notre Dame was to prevent the ritual satanic slaughter of hundreds of children in the catacombs beneath the cathedral. The Vatican is (was) a hub for international child sex trafficking and ritual abuse. As for the Middle East, Bush did once refer to the illegal invasion in terms of a 'crusade', so no surprises to the backlash there. In the UK the church is silent over the torture and rape of thousands of primarily white underage girls by degenerate low life muslim gangs. The question could be WHY is Christianity so weak in the face of communist aggressiom and islamic perversion? Good video, your posts are always thought provoking .

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Kristian52 3 years ago

We will rise.. going to be great ! Just cleaning the flock up atm.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

Unfortunately satan is providing , but god isn't?

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mrghoster 4 years ago

I told that hunched back moron "No indoor BBQ's" and look what happens?

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mrghoster 4 years ago

I think i spotted nearly everything in these clips was mainly Catholic rather than Christianity in general?

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Pariah 4 years ago

I have a few friend from the Philippines. There are Muslim extremist groups there, the footage here were the terrorists vandalizing Christian churches. If I remembered correctly, they wanted to form a sort of caliphate in the Philippines. They were crushed like 3 yrs ago if I remembered correctly.
And I need context on those other churches in France. For a country with long history of Christianity, it can't be a decision they'll just make like that.

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Doggk 4 years ago

Western countries want to get rid of Christianity.. Because christianity teaches balance and righteousness in life.. And this society, economical system is based on totally opposite values.. So christianity, Islam, Judaism disturb their plans.. Europe has no intrest to preserve their culture anymore, because the rat race is more important to them than to maintain a connection with god.. even old castles are being destroyed because they can't find the funds to restore and preserve these places.. West - European people are really detached of Christianity these days, the churches are empty most of the time.. And only seniors or black people go to these churches on sundays.. The first thing they do to get rid of most of these churches is brainwashing the population with TV.. TV is a powerful weapon and look what it finally did worldwide nowadays. !! Then people slowly abandonned the church AND their BIBLES !! .. Because TV is more interactive.. Churches couldn't find money so they took credits from the state.. Governement with inflation makes it more difficult and even impossible for the churches to pay off or even pay the rent of the land.. Then churches have to sell their paintings, antique items, relics, decorations... And when they are totally broke they sell the church to the governement.. The governement then destroys the church and replaces it with stupid parking spots, parcs, supermarkets... And if the church resists, because there's still a lot of christians out there.. The governement pays vandals to vandalize the churches or burn them.. They pay journalists and cops to make investigations on priests.. That's how the Pedophilia scandals started.. Because no one ever heard about these things for decades ! So the governement knew but closed their eyes, in order to use that against christianity when the best moment came.. They do the same thing with Islam now, that's why they spend millions to brainwash people by associating Islam & Terrorism.. They also did the same thing between 1933-1945 with the Jews in Germany.. Sometimes the church itself decides to burn it in order to get money from insurance or funds like for Notre Dame.. The amount of money which has been donated by many people around the world is crazy.. Billions of Euros.. To fix Notre Dame you just need a few millions.. But the question here is: Where did the rest of the money go ?? Certainly not for the other churches all around France.. That's how the french governement ripped off money from people all around the world without anyone noticing the scam.. In french there's a saying which says: "Ils n'y ont vu que du feu" (English: They only saw fire..)

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