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Christmas Day Tragedy

Published on 28 Dec 2023 / In Film & Animation
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hqwebsite 1 year ago Tabloid... They even quote how far the accident location from one Royal Manor House... It's a click bait of course. Like we all need to know...

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Drums_McBashington 1 year ago

Yes, the hyperlinks were particularly disgusting.

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mrghoster 1 year ago

All that accumulation of Guilt is gonna come and bit thye femon's in the botox enhanced ASSES one day though? lol! and I don't think many if any MEN will be rushing to help them, cucks maybe but NOT real MEN.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 year ago

Take responsibility

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mrghoster 1 year ago

A Couple of SIMP's trying to impress a bit of PUSSY is what probably really happened?

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Councilof1 1 year ago

Accident's happen. Welcome to life. Life isn't certain but death is.

ATV's aren't the safest things to begin with. It was her choice so are the consequences. She's lucky it wasn't one of the Honda tricycle one's from the 80's. Those things are dangerously fun. And I bet she wasn't wearing any safety gear so another possible bad choice.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 year ago

All empowered until their not

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Drums_McBashington 1 year ago

@SoloMan Zone: Just another word they don't understand the definition of. They seem to think it means Immortal or Bulletproof or something like that.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 year ago

@Drums_McBashington: They are only breeders and their brain proofs it

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

@SoloMan Zone: I have two thoughts on this... first, the THOTs are retarded and impetious I think would be the word... they like spontaneity... they know their lives are dull and boring: In fact, I would go so far as to state "Religion" was created for them, to give them "meaning" to their lives and shit. There is a phrase in the Bible that reflects this... While in the Garden (Though Paradiso is far more accurate or Courtyard) of Eden (the eiden- field (outside)), there was a point when personal experience became more important than the will of God (of Israel El Elohim). So, what does this mean? Personal choice especially for women who literally are their bodies-- means avoidance of pain. When you follow God of Israel's rule or directions, pain was irrelevant and typically temporary... Women are only their bodies and emotion is their reality... birthing men causes them much pain-- I assisted at births: Trust me. I thank God of Israel almost everyday I was born with a dick instead of a womb...

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Now, to forewarn you my second though might sound a little crazy, but it it entirely based on my experiences, my pains, my inner demons, and my faith: I am by no means anything typical... I have died three times-- car wreck into a short coma, died from drowning while intertubing on a small river... kayaks and canoes are much better, and the third I bled out or nearly blood out... to me Death is a flirtous bitch: However, I strongly believe to the depths of my soul that I met the "Gods" and more importantly my bloodline's matriarchs. I do believe in "magick" because not only do I know how it is, I know how it is-- ie the mechanics involved. Few if any learned this: But is it magick? Isn't it just quantum mechanics or "God's (of Israel) will directed... ie the supernatural? To be fair, I am no wizard or prophet... though prophet might be in my future should I survive the Purge of the Satanic Globalists (Jews.) Now, because of my many deaths and the Goddess actually sending me back three times, a simple death won't work for me. I have to die in a particular way if I want to retur to the Heaven or "Higher Planes" of existance with the so call (Occult) higher frequencies. I am sorry if this scares you, but it is the full Truth my human brain can recreate and nderstand... On a quick tangeant, I believe we stop being human when we change ourselves say physcially... Think of it like this, you're a pc-- you could be a laptop or desktop or have blessed to be a gaming deskstop or if really lucky a full force gaming laptop... but your memory is always limited (that's out brains.) However, if you expand your memory say pull your hardrive (your brain) and insert it into a netwoek server say with some "limbs" ir your RAM (experiences) and graphic accelerators... you're not the same pc anymore, ie you are not human. We are human because we are Divinely Designed... now look at this Cyberpunk movement... Say we become Alita the Battle Angel or any number of Cyberpun cyborgs... guess what we are not human anymore. So, my point, when we get to the level where our brains through evolution or becoming a cyborg that we "understand the universe completely," if sych a thing is possible, we are not human anymore. I hate to say it, but it is our experiences that make us human. As da way goes, the Buddha and his monks got one thing correct, one ting right-- it is the journey that defines us not the justification of the arrival. It is the means. There was a scene in a Robin Williams movie where he dies in a car accident but then his soul lives in his wife's paitings... one important scene back when he was a dad (he's a successful doctor) he talks to his son, who is failing mah. "What's the problem?" His son replies he literally can't do it. The Mathematucs is a skill beyond his mind. Williams tells him in that conversation, he will literally charge Hell with him. To be fair, they literally do. What Dreams May Come is the movie I believe. The point? It's is these small random and impetious moments that define us after death based on my experiences. I beg an pleaded to come back from my first death because I saw my mother;s future and how it destroyed her. I loved her: Love is why I came back. In the coma before I passed, my mom was crying over me; I kept trying to move my arm to touch her comfort her. The dam thing would not move: I was like three years old then. I met whom I believe was the Goddess, God of Israel's Wife, the Tree of Life Ashreh. For the lngest time, I tried to deal with and understand I was orn likely into a witch's bloodline.. Why me? I come to realize how astrology and religion work. I might do a video on this, but if I do, it will be a declaration of war for me to the Globalists. Once discovered, they would likely end me, They exist in the shadows forcing thier useles pawns, ie our politicians and industrialits, to do their bidding, and teose pawns will be discarded if they becoming compromising. Know this well, WE ARE IN A SPIRITUAL WAR. The End is near-- it can not begin until the transitions, the "apocalypse" of an Age, the Age of Salvation (Pisces) into the Age of Aquarius (Enlightenment) or Biblical Revelationss. Our fates are literally set in stone according to the stars a God of Israel has written it, but there is a little wiggle room. The New Age begins in the mid to late 2040s. The Globalists' 2030 Agenda is their attempt to condition the world to be their slaves (or be dead) as a means to conserve their power. Know this well, they are Demonicv, they are Pagans, and they are witches viewing us "humanity" as nothing more than a goat to be sacrificed. Sorry for the dark message especially when many are enjoying thier rime with family and friends during Saturnalia, not the birth of Christ-- that was in July we know this because of the census-- the reason Joseph was travelling to Bethlehem in the first place. Julius Caesar made a treaty with Israel (Latin Palestina) to become a Roman province. They did not have to worship Pagan gods, but they did have to pray to the God of Israel to protect and avise Ceaser. This is why Christians were hunted and threw into the gladiatorial games. The Empire depended on the "gods'" favor to stay in power: Not praying to them was treason, except for the Jews. Since Christians are neither Jews or Pagans, they were criminals especially since their numbers multiplied extremely quickly even exponentially. The point at "apocalypses" paradigms change: This is why God of Israel left his people the Amoa Israel (Tribe of Israel) in Egypt 400 years I believe the total is... he was waiting for the change from the Age of Taurus with its fertility rites, bull games, and the golden bough into the Age of Aries the ram, the Age of Moses' Laws with a new paradigm shift. No longer was them fetility rituals of man and women coming together reflecting the God of Israel and His Wfie Ashereh, the Tree of Life, the norm. Ashereh was cut off completely. The priesteses of Hers became outcasts and witches overnight if they did reform their ways. So, in a sense out of desperation, Ashereh and her poles (totem poles reallu) were merged with Ashorath the Canaanite Witch Goddess, ie Hecate to the Greeks.) Women have been harboring their hatreed of men eversince for over three eons. As I said, Everything is Connected as Socrates proposed: Hence my series about the Socratic Idea. I am not moving fast enough trying to set up the baseline of our History, the REAL History not the fairy tale the Occult, whowant to decieve us and keep us in the dark, fairy tales or fiction.. best said today as "Their Narratives." And here I thought narrative was supposed to be a personalized account not the "Grand Lie." I apologizefor this lengthy response: I have a feeling it is going to be long... anyway, Merry Christmas and have a Happy hopefully more successful New Year's Day...

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Sory, it's hard to keep the secret of the universe... and human existence.

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bigintol03 1 year ago

A chick I went to school with died the exact same way in the summer of '91!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 year ago

Who's fault was it?

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Councilof1 1 year ago

You ever ride one of those old Honda tricycles? Apparently people tended to run themselves over with them.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 year ago

@Councilof1: Yea my niece did,

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bigintol03 1 year ago

@SoloMan Zone: Who's do you think? Dumb bitch decided to try and stand up on the back of the atv...low lying branch caught her right in the throat!

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bigintol03 1 year ago

@Councilof1: That's what I remember hearing about back in the 80's!

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