Christmases Past
Published on 24 Dec 2022 / In
Film & Animation
Merry Christmas guys
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I never had my daughter for Christmas when she was little , so I had a special Early one before Christmas for her. Just seeing her little face light up was wonderful. Now I haven't seen her for decades, she must be 40 ish now, never even a card.Anyway once sdje had had her little special Christmas with Daddy I took her back home a 500 mile round trip and as a Postman I got back just in time to go straight top work and then eventually got to bed about 2 pm and slept to my next 4 am shift, boy was that a killer. Come the REAL christmas Day I had already packed up the decorations and all that shit well before Christmas Day. Spent most of it trying to get back to a mormal time frame. Is it any wonder I and so many HATER Christmas.
The one thing that really pisses me off at Christmas is on the religious side. This Baby Jesus was supposed to return after 2000 years, and he is 22 years late, so not even the so called son of God who for some reason is also God on Earth? is a CUNT. We are all right in the shit, but he has broken this promised return? Is it any wonder we are in she shit because their is little WE the plebs can do? No GOD is gonna save YOU, only YOU can Save YOU Brother's.
I'm partly Canadian myself. My grandparents were English but moved their in the 30's. My Mum was born in Winnipeg, when she was tow she came with Nan and Back to England. we even when I was small had a couple of visit's from Canadian Relatives who came to the UK to holiday. My Christmases when I was young were like the one's you see in those 40's American Movies and I believe it was the Canadian connection that made them so special. the one Christmas I remember I guess must have been in the late 60's because it was the only one on which it Snowed on Christmas day.
No SoloMan. Not anymore. We can no longer cut down any tree for X'mas.
They have contracted this guy for them all. Happy holiday
Couple more beers, then to bed. Merry Christmas, brother Soloman.
What makes Christmas for me is a good spread of home cooked food with a family enjoying each other's company. If it's not that, then it's just another day to me.
Merry Christmas to SoloMan and all the solo men out there