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Chrystia Freeland RESIGNS as Deputy PM and Finance Minister

Published on 19 Dec 2024 / In News & Politics

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In a surprise announcement, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland announced her resignation from Justin Trudeau’s cabinet, taking aim at “costly political gimmicks” on the eve of the government’s fall economic update.

This comes as former Immigration and Housing Minister Sean Fraser also announced his resignation.

How will Trudeau survive this? Is it just a matter of time before Canadians finally get an election?

Harrison Faulkner reports.

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Toki 3 months ago

A finance expert or minister is absurd enough. A person in that position will embezzle wealth and they don't work to produce anything. Therefore the finance "expert" is just a squatter consuming resources that working men created. A true finance expert is any man with a real job that gets shit done. Because that's more important than currency, economics, budgeting, etc. True wealth and value is the men at the bottom of the human hierarchy who do all the real work to provide for the selfish.
But wait even better. The finance expert here isn't some old fat pig in a suit that needs all that money to buy hookers and cocaine. This finance expert is a human female. Sort of like how water is completely solid and you can hold a gallon of only water in your hand without it spilling everywhere.

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