City Of Broken Dreamers Pt. 14: Some Fun With Venus & Then Infiltrating The Pit!
Published on 13 Jan 2023 / In
Game: City Of Broken Dreamers (, Patreon)
Highly recommended you watch the sex scene if you are considering buying a sex robot in the future. This very well may happen.
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Damn. That was a good episode. I am glad that Chandra tricked him into saving Abby. I kind of hope he fucks Abby and Chandra at the same time. I wonder is she Chandra's pet? or friend? or sexy friend with benefits? I can't but wonder if Ellen or Sonja would have been as effective as Abby. I am just upset he lost his gun...
Thanks for the upload and the heads up about the sexbot scene so true access will be denied or they may only allow you to get BD (VD - Sexual Disease) Brain Dance from Cyberpunk 2077 kinky shit is allowed just no penetration or fucking. Then again we both could be wrong as like Hammerhand said sex and fucking maybe banned and outlawed in the future.
If it's banned they may restrict access as you said or they may hunt down sex doll owners as they don't want to see anyone be happy.
God I hope not
Once again thank you it felt like forever since your last City of Broken Dreamers upload and I am Glad and grateful. God bless you and sexbots and Godspeed \G/