Civil War: Escape and Evasion | Live From The Lair

Redonkulas Popp
Redonkulas Popp
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Published on 14 Feb 2021 / In News & Politics

⁣When conflict comes, violence is actually the last resort.

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Ratherbefishing 4 years ago

I got seconded to drive a General around for a couple of weeks once, very interesting bloke, super intelligent,(scarily so),and he once told me that if SHTF grab your gear and bug out. Take immediate family if you can but only if you can get them to or on the way to a safe place.
He also told me that our nation,(small),didn't have a shit show of defending against a bigger, better equipped invader but that NO country with active guerrillas has ever been defeated. Vietnam is a good example for Americans as is Afghanistan which has been at war with someone or other for all of recorded history and there has NEVER been a victorious invader.
Anyone with any working bits of thinking meat would have made their plans and a hit list years ago along with prepped way stations for travel, ammo and supply dumps etc. Hunting and fishing are more than just recreation.
If you have ever lived as a bum in your travels you are already ahead of most, if you joined the forces and got some gummit training even better.
Very hard to walk away from all you have built but anyone who has been diebyforce raped is already mentally toughened.

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WaylanderTheSlayer 4 years ago

This shit is getting serious real fast!

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doczg88 4 years ago

Popp, please can you give us links on the most useful manuals in your experience?

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doczg88 4 years ago

We don't talk much about the most important thing. Connect and organize in a group of like minded people. Strength in numbers. Trumps America, the only real America is 50% of population. Half of the people are on the right side. And on the other half not all of them are bad or evil. Americans need to organize in a military or militia type of organisation and not a single force on the planet can defeat them. Imagine 150-200 million people organized with 50 million men in armed forces organized into units. They will run for their lives from us. If the system collapses the worst thing is that all care only about themselves. We need to be part of a collective. Prepare yourself but also prepare as part of a group. We need to be strong individuals organized in a collective.

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runninggirl20 4 years ago

Great video! My husband and I live with our three young elementary age school kids on an acre in a small town about an hour north of Seattle. We have a well (with hand pump back up) and food stored. We are of the mind we will probably have to stay put with the kids and defend as best we can from home. What are your thoughts of staying vs. leaving with kiddos? Could you talk about ways to improve the chances of surviving with young kids in a home defense situation? Our house is two story and we have bought plywood for all the windows/doors downstairs...

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John_Doe 4 years ago

Plywood will stop rocks, bricks, Molatov cocktails from going through a window. It will slow a mob from breaking through. It won't stop bullets, though. Consider armoring a room in the house with AR 500 panels. Even just a small closet lined with it would be better than nothing. Thick enough and it would stop even .50 caliber rounds. Kids are instructed to hunker down in that space to protect them from rounds fired into the house while mom and dad get to work doing what has to be done. AR 500 is expensive. If you can't afford it, 1/2" hot rolled steel plate will stop .223/5.56 rounds. Step up to 1/2" cold rolled steel plate and you should be able to stop up to non-armor piercing .308 and .30-06.

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runninggirl20 4 years ago

@John_Doe: Thank you for the info! We will definitely look into it!

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runninggirl20 4 years ago

@Philthy_McNasty: Thank you for the info about the steel. The video was impressive, my hubby has that area covered for us...

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