Claiming to be a GOOD CHRISTIAN doesn't MAKE You One!
Saying it and living it are two ENTIRELY different things!!!
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There are many who calleth themselves Christians, who in reality are not. Much the same with Jews, especially the Liberals or useless idiots as I call them. They seem to think they are saved from being descended from Israel, he who struggled with God (of Israel) before that known as Jacob. The main deceivers are the Satanists or Jews of the Synagogue of Satan, as both God of Israel of the Old Testament and Jesus Christ, God of Israel in Cosplay, stated often.
So, these Christian in Name only and their demonic sects... Mormons, Pentecostals, many Apophrica cults, etc, are CINOs and some straight up lying, the Satanists, Baal worshippers like Jezebel (servant to Baal), followers of Baphomet (a goat head man with tits-- so the the Trannies), etc, exist to corrupt and lead true Christians and Jews away from the correct path. "Wide in the mouth, narrow is the path."
Now, that being said, I believe Catholic referring to all Chridtians is good, but Roman Catholicism is thinly veiled witchcraft, but Catharic or the Catharics or Cathars were the more true, but I do not follow cults these days. I follow Revelations, which the Bible is a records of them. God of Israel needeth no religion: He giveth Revelations. (Sorry for inserting preclinical English for added effect. It felt right.)