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Classic motorcycles, Harley-Davidson, TV documentary, 1993

Published on 17 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

A compact doc about the history of Harley Davidson. Personally I like the 1930's Harley's same goes for the Brit Bikes as well. Question for ya, with answer. Wher was the trem HEAVY METAL first coined?....................................................Answer, Steppenwolf's song from Easy rider - "Born to be Wild". Think the Bands name is spelled correctly?

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Bagoodman 5 months ago

That was a relaxing watch . {8^)_ o 0

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Councilof1 5 months ago

Not a motorcycle guy myself but if I did get a motorcycle I'd get a "crotch rocket". Basically a high powered racing type motorcycle. I'm a car guy myself.

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Councilof1 5 months ago

I'm surprised what people are willing to pay for Harley Davidson motorcycles. Although the upside is they're easy to repair.

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Councilof1 5 months ago

@Councilof1: The term they're looking for is "There's no replacement for displacement". I've heard that from every muscle car guy I've ever met.

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@Councilof1: Dunno - The point of a vehicle is to get from A to B, and the most economical delivery vans are getting 58 miles a US gallon which is 25K liter.... Big and properly flowed engines are NICE... but there is a real lot of science behind very economical motors... and aerodynamic cars.... The older V8's got 16L/100km = ~6 K's per liter. or 14 miles a US gallon.

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Most modern "racing style" bikes are very fast and the bigger the motor = very very fast. Get something like a Royal Enfield 500cc or 600cc single cylinder..... You will live longer.

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mrghoster 5 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: My Royal Enfield meteor 350 is hardly like ly to kill me anytime soon! lol!

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@mrghoster: As much as the Olde English Bikes of Yore, are over looked in the boy racer bullshit bikes, they are an incredibly functional HUMAN to Motorised Bicycle interface. They are incredibly GOOD bikes for getting around on... Especially in the cities and towns - where bikes that weigh 250 Kg or something and do 300 Kmh + , the Enfields plod around nicely, they are light, the weight is down low, they are easy to manouver, get on and off, to park, they thread their way through thick traffic with ease.... Those flat low and wide seats are just wonderful......

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