Amazon would NEVER sell his books through their platform, even after finding out that he's a black "white supremacist". One of his best performances, IMO.
Yeah it's basically vanished forever.... I was able to piece the two complete halves of it from his facebook site... the rest of it is chopped up and in some 10 second bits or the 1/3rd middle with the end or the start missing - or it's whole in really fuzzy grainy - BAD 360p.... It's just fucked. Took me about 8 hours to get this one - 2 good source files and a whole heap of prior videos and seeing all the shitty incomplete videos.... and about 4 or 5 previous partial videos and 3 uploads and take downs Etc. So now this is the ONE whole complete video - and except for the water marking .... It's good enough.
Technically - this is a historically important production. Sure comedy can really be funny - BUT really good comedians are shrewd observers who put out what they see, as a way to raise the consciousess of other people.... AND these are pretty fast, but they are very well done productions. All the co-actors make this far more substantial than just the comedy routine alone - all the face pulling and drama and "going along with it" acting... It's very good.
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Also ironic that "Front Lines'" was funded by Trent Lott(?), former senator from Mississippi? WTF! ROFLMFAO!
8:00. The dude's head exploding was funny af.
Amazon would NEVER sell his books through their platform, even after finding out that he's a black "white supremacist". One of his best performances, IMO.
This looks like a Dave Chapelle skit from back in the day. ROFLMAO!