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Climate Change Is Caused By Women LOL - MGTOW

Published on 07 Sep 2021 / In People & Blogs

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ben and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I signed up for a monthly subscription. Frankly I think this content is worth it. So here is the video topic. You say men are romantics and women are rationalists. However men are strategic long term thinkers whereas women are overly focused on the here and now and hedonistic/materialistic in nature. How do you think these two seemingly contradictory ideas overlap? And seeing how not going extinct and dealing with things like climate change require strategic thinking and accepting the concept of enough (something women seem to be unable to accept) how do you see this playing out for society. Ultimately sustainability requires curbing personal consumption. On a side note I discovered you from a friend who lost 10 million in a divorce and for years I thought you were a nut. Then after years of dating and confirming most if not all of you concepts I had no choice but to adopt your philosophy. My friend died broke in January and his ex wife has a net worth of roughly 15 million now and lives rent free with her new simp doctor hubby." Well Ben thanks for the donation and topic. Sorry to hear about how your millionaire friend was taken to the cleaners and then the undertakers. But at least you found me. Don't you notice how it's women that are always preaching about how we need to consume less so we save the environment and planet yet they are the ones making 85% of the discretionary spending decisions. I suspect it's just projection. They want to tell others, mostly men to stop consuming, while they consume more than their fair share. At the same time many of you have seen images like this one online where women shame men for living a minimalist lifestyle. They swallow the woke koolaid and tell us to consume less to save the world. But when they find a man that lives like this they shame him for not consuming enough. A guy like this doesn't have much she can take from him in a micro divorce. It's hard for her to figure out his financial status if he has nothing. But god forbid I took an image like this one with a giant walk in closet and posted how I couldn't believe that women live like this. Women would get pissed off. Most want a walk in closet and fifty plus pairs of shoes. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the women shaming men that under-consume while you're not allowed to shame them if they over consume clown world show. The first thing you asked me Ben was why men are long-term planners and thinkers while women are short term spenders. I think it comes down to nature creating an environment that's more hospitable to children. The women that made it here today were the one's who's children survived. A woman that always had extra food and resources laying around that she got from a man some of that would filter down to kids, they would be better nourished and survive as a result. As for the long-term versus short-term mindset I believe we have this overlap to create well rounded male child that is more than likely to embrace long-term thinking from their fathers or female children that will buy into the hedonism that their mothers display and the cycle repeats again. I think it's a combination of environmental and genetic factors that make men and women the way they are. Also Ben don't worry about the species going extinct due to climate change. We are going to run out of carbon and fossil fuels to burn a long time before we end everything. The world has dealt with similar situations before and if we heat the planet we will have what is known as an Ocean Anoxic event where 95% of the Oceans will acidify and die.

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Leader_Desslok 3 years ago

In my opinion the "limited " source of petroleum in also just part of the bigger lie . Everyone needs to google " abiotic petroleum" . The Russians figured this out in the 1970s or before . This so called theory is constantly under attack because if true then you can not lock people in small rooms in cities and limit their movement based on "limited energy available ". Just another way to controlling the rock stupid public ! This rates right in there with the climate change hoax ! Because this also gives governments more control over people . Remember , “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” ― George Carlin ---

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MAC88 3 years ago

I will never give up my pets. You can all fuck yourselves. Pets are an excellent way to take your mind off long term relationships.

Its not a replacement for women don’t be ridiculous. But some of your greatest moments in the home will be with your domestic animals. Cats included. Stereotypes about cats is ignorance.

One thing about women is that they will take care of their pets. But men can bond more with them because we’re more likely to play, and take them with us everywhere. I recommend watching the Dodo on youtube to see how great cats can be. Dogs of course are mans best friend. Like you said.

The issue is the financials. Not the pets. Besides economic issues. Pets can be great family members. Which is always good for mental health. Something society ignores for men. Especially these days for the white males. Which is a disgrace.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

Better to have multiple options when it comes to power sources, you always need backup just in case one of them fails.

But the elite want us to use very carbon friendly resources the don't use anything that could be more efficient and more capable generating enough.

So long as we build an infrastructure that supports these other options, it will be so cheap to power your house it'll almost be free, not to mention robotics and automation is becoming more and more and abundant option when it comes to saving money on your Workforce.

Automation will bring down price significantly once it becomes the norm all around the world.

Right now to have a robot cook for you and wash your dishes by hand, the cost is far too high for the average household because the robot they are using is brand-spanking-new and will more than likely be used in restaurants and businesses first, but that price will drop when enough companies adopt using them, then the rich people will be able to buy them for their homes and then the middle class and then it'll be so cheap that even the poor class can purchase them. Maybe the poor class will have to get it used or something when the rich upgrade there's to better more capable models.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

Lol energy is not scarce, Sandman energy has never been more abundant than it is now. Mostly due to the technological advancements we've made within the past hundred years.

The elite want us to use carbon friendly power generating systems, and there are enough of them out there that are practically free that you can create yourself without the need of grid energy.

Right now they're talking about batteries using nuclear waste it'll last a thousands of years.

And besides that there are multiple other options when it comes to power and power sources oh, trust me we're not running out of resources one of the most abundant on this planet is the water through electrolysis as Brown's gas.

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satcomer 3 years ago

Wahman can never be socialist because how will they be on Twitter?

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