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CNN's Acosta ROASTED Over Fake COVID Concerns, McEnany's Epic Mic Drop Moment

Published on 18 Jun 2020 / In Film & Animation

⁣⁣⁣⁣Produced by Tim Pool. I Sdo not own nor profit.

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John_Doe 5 years ago

Here's the problem. She just happened to have a newspaper there at the podium with a front page photo to refute Jim Acosta's question? A little too convenient if you ask me.

Took a college speech class once where the professor had been a speech writer for past presidents. He informed us that press conferences are engineered theatre. Every question asked by reporters is pre-screened and pre-approved; no one gets to ask a question that hasn't been. If a reporter goes off script, they'll lose their White House press pass; something no reporter is willing to do.

That doesn't necessarily mean McEnany and Acosta colluded behind the scenes. But it does mean she knew the question that was going to be asked in advance and was able to have that newspaper ready and waiting for his question. Even if it's a completely legitimate repudiation of his line of questioning, it is not a spontaneous, organic exchange; at least not on her part.

It's all theatre, folks.

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