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Cocky Woman Acts "Tough" & INSTANTLY Regrets It

Published on 30 Jun 2024 / In Entertainment
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ephase 17 hours ago

I would feel bad for the bear, because these imbecile females do not realize that bears are predators, & everyone knows what happens when bears hunt. Those bears are going to have a case of food poisoning, trying to eat those imbecile toxic females.

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The dumb unfuckable bitch.....

Hasn't she ever thought about dressing up NICE, and being all FEMININE and wearing nice summer dresses etc...

Rather than getting around like this butch bush pig of a fucking idiot?

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sauger1001 2 days ago

Darth Vader (Deep Breathing): "The hive mind programming is strong in these dumbasses."

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GenerationLESS 2 days ago

2:00..Let the 275 creature choose the bear PLEASE! The bear can offline her worthless ass from existence without going to prison, saving food, water, and oxygen for the rest of us.

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Why all these STUPID women never stuck to being NICE GIRLS - wives and mothers, and completely fucked themselves up and turned into retarded losers..... I'll never know.....

Well I do - they are stupid and easily led.

So stupid, they are easily manipulated into group think, and going along with the bullshit because all the other idiots are doing it too.

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