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Coffeezilla the Movie

Published on 27 Jun 2024 / In Entertainment

I can't believe we hit 1 million subscribers! It's time to celebrate and take a look in the past!

Stephen Findeisen - Director, Producer, Coffeezilla
Harry Bagg - Editor, Sound Design, Producer
Ed Leszczynski - VFX / CGI Artist, Environment Design, Animation
Christopher Fin - Writer
Cary Farrow IV - Assistant Producer, Acting Coach, Shark Tank Producer
Technicals as the voice of Maxwell
Torence B Henderson as Robert Green
Mukul Vaswani as Akash Khan
Anna Gangai as Honey D’Leary
Caroline Spinola as the voice of CAT
James Lee as Mysterious Character
Isaac Archilla - Grip, Camera Operator
Chris Demarco - 3D Printing, Sound Engineer, Grip, Camera Operator
Sofia Luque - FX Makeup
PalmersMedic - Music, "Aquilla"
Claire Wickes - End Credits Music

► Patreon:

► Twitter: @coffeebreak_yt
► Instagram: @coffeebreak_yt

Virtual Production:
Camera Motion Tracking: Mo-Sys Startracker
Platform: Aximmetry

This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact. Scams, bad business opportunities, and fake gurus are subjective terms that mean different things to different people. I think someone who promises $100K/month for an upfront fee of $2K is a scam. Others would call it the "opportunity of a lifetime."

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Nice video - had to skip watch it - pulled an all nighter and it's now 7.30am...

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