Colin Brazier- The wheels have fallen off Insulate Britain-s campaign
Published on 05 Oct 2021 / In
Film & Animation
Are the UK public becoming intollerant of these lefty dick heads as we see Drivers forcively removing Insolent britain's fro the roads? lol! If the public are starting to do this does it mean there is no respect for the police or law anymore? are the police no longer going to be allowed by the public to police by concent? Personally I cant stand the luney left? the even held up an Ambulance on an emergency call, refused a women to desperately get to het 81 year old sick mother taken into hospital. Don't these CUNT's have and conscience or empathy?
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Sanctimonious shitbags.
I was thinking I was about to be shown an Insulate Britain protester being run over (finally) by an out of patience citizenry. Oh well. Maybe next time.