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Combating cult mind control. Leaving the Jehovah's witnesses

Published on 10 Dec 2024 / In People & Blogs

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sauger1001 3 months ago

36:30. Until God and Ĵesus return, satan is the god of this world. Ķeep studying the Bible. There's still good knowledge in It.

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sauger1001 3 months ago

11:25. Just another reason God has to come and straighten everything out.

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sauger1001 3 months ago

2:26. Christmas Carols are so so overrated.

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sauger1001 3 months ago

I ĥave two sisters that are Jehovaĥs Witnesses. She's verÿ good with me. I have nothing against tĥem as a whole. I've never had a problem with them. Some simply let there light shine.

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sauger1001 3 months ago

Their, not there.

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sauger1001 3 months ago

They've both been divorced, twice.

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sauger1001 3 months ago

@sauger1001: So yeah, Jehovah's witnesses are a cult.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 months ago

Yeah, those faggots are worst.
Talk to them about porn, ask them about where the Adam and Eve grandchildren came from, and most likely they'll leave you alone.
Soon after I moved in, I had a visit from two of those tranny faggots. I had to ask them multiple times who they were, so finally and reluctantly the told me. I pointed to the dog and told them if they were ever to come back, I would unleash the dog on them. Been ten years now, never knocked on my door again.
Can't be soft or polite with those cunts.

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Yep exactly and don't bother wasting your breathe on them about porn they all do it behind closed doors and have no problems is a WHORE does it and then says she found JESUS however if I man watches porn and gets caught he is shamed and looked disgusted at yet fuck them and their double standards, yep they are the worst or equally will be joking hands into hellfire with Scientologists and Mormons aka MORONS and more TradCuck FAGGOTTS Fuckers let them all rot and burn in hell and its always these So called HOLIER THAN THOU FUCKS that hate and shame BASED REDPILL MEN who see the real Absolute Truth and those Fuckers reuse to help us and change until they get fucked over oh well Fuck em All \G/

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Even though I am not Jehovahs Witness I spent some time with them and some of it was the biggest time wasted and pointless and have to live with that ain't gonna get that time back \G/

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As EUGENE said from 7mins onwards at the start of the video those fuckers do low tech Data mining take down notes of who is there and what they are like and what they are going through and what they are wearing and if they have MONEY so when you told then I'm gonna stick the dog on you Fucking A, I'm done asking people to tell the truth when they bullshite a younger me would give them chance and time to explain now if they don't come open and truthful and they only have 1 chance to tell all and if they don't they get to meet my wife named Holy Rifle that is more than happy to greet them with hugs aka Bullets and thankfully fuckers leave you all and don't come back and I bet they will squeal to the Babylon squad about me or others that are willing to point Weapons in their face to get Fucked and stop trying to waste our time. I got no time for time, energy and life wasters \G/

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sauger1001 3 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: It's the ones at the bottom who have to do what my man did, Ask Questions. Women are the most vulnerable bc they don't ask questions, at least not the ones that count. My sister (one below me and one above me) have both been married (and one's been divorced) twice. They're going through the same problems that the rest of the world is going through.

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sauger1001 3 months ago

I'm the only one who (to the best of my knowledge) doesn't have any kids.

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Jehovas Witness's - etc.

I am a former Mormon - who spoke his mind and got excommunicated - by these insidious mind fuck scammers.


"Did you know that we endorse Tithing?"

"Do you know what Tithing is?"


"Me I love the idea of Tithing - of giving back to the community. Lets see there are assorted soup kitchens for the homeless, the Hari Krisnas - they feed homeless people too. Ummmm there are so many people and organisations that I can give too..... It's a great idea. God gives us abundant opportunites to share and care, in his wonderful world. Don't you agree!"


( Urrrrkkkkkk Ummmmmm - YOUR ONLY SUPPOSED TO GIVE IT TO US )

"That is certainly a very spiritual outlook Shane."


They focus very hard on keeping people DUMB, STUPID, OBEDIENT, IGNORANT and CONFORMING to the bullshit they spread.

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