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Combating State Mandated Hypoxia

Published on 11 Jan 2021 / In Film & Animation

A video providing several strategies on getting the best oxygenation one can if there employment circumstances requires them to wear the state mandated face diapers for hours at a time.




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Toki 4 years ago

Attain freedom by suicide. If it happens to me eventually or the vaxx I'm done. My life sucks anyways. Surrounded my idiots and weak ass men who wear a mask because their women say so SMH.

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Toki 4 years ago

@lyhyemmat: I don't want to hurt people though. If I did I would sign up for the military. Which is more suicidal than most things in life. Just getting shot up with all those military vaccines is masochistic. I'm talking about forced vaccines, forced masks everywhere, and power grid going down. Not worth being alive at that point. I already have bowel cancer from childhood vaccines and stupid parents and I refuse to support the corrupt US medical industry ever again. So I will have to end my suffering sometime before it causes great pain. Just sucks I was almost old enough to retire. But I would rather take my own life than get murdered in a nursing home by big Pharma. No worries I lived a good life earlier, banged a dozen whores, got many deep blowjobs, and partied like mad so it's not like I'm 14 years old and have a life ahead of me. I don't want to hurt the cops here because they are good cops.. for now at least. No silly rules here. The cops actually go after criminals and leave honest taxpayers alone here. Redneck farm state.

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