Comedian/Actress Chelsea Handler has galaxy levels of cope. They never learn
Published on 18 Dec 2024 / In
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Boss bitch? More like boss itch... you should get that looked at... and maybe some antivirals or antibiotics...
She is a threat to men... having been run through in Pedowood, how many antibiotic resistant STDs do you think her petri dish of a vag has? I suspect theire's a turn me Left, gay, and Communist syphilis strand out there in Pedowood... just saying. Infectionscare dangerous now... more than before. So, I agree with Chelsea here: She is a (critical biological) theeat to straight men...
Life is expensive. Watching these entitled whores meet reality, or gravity... Priceless. Remember for everything (else) there's Master Card... or Discover...
Uhm. No. I'm not sorry: I did nothing wrong. All you whores like Chelsea Handler kept screaming in my face along with many other men about "The Patriarchy." I said fine. "Everything I can do, you (whores) can do better, and in high heels." Fine, show me bitches: "Batter up!"
I used to watch her Chelsea Lately: She's a functional drunk... and rich old dude booty call.