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Communist China uses Cancel Culture against YOU!

Published on 03 Apr 2021 / In Film & Animation

⁣Published on Apr 2, 2021
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KEEPER 4 years ago

so it's not really stop Asian hate, it's more like stop CCP hate.
they are just using it to propagandize the ppl in America because they know how well it worked with the BLM asshats as well as any other group who pulls this shit out their asses.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

Exactly. It's just the next BLM race-baiting bullshit. I have little love for Asians, due to their treatment of me [Black dude] during my childhood. I did NOTHING against them whatsoever, but boy were they hateful and prejudiced toward me!! I was always respectful, well-spoken, calm, and also happy. The Asians and Indians never cared, and always sought to sabotage me or otherwise do negative things. As I grew up, I learned more about these people's culture and backgrounds, and then I learned to avoid and gradually rebuke any contact with them. I had an Indian best friend in childhood who used to lie, cheat, and steal, then act like a victim when he got caught. I have many other stories like that, it's just my personal experiences and conclusions.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: the problem with every group mentality, is hate always creates more hate, so though ppl out there are trying to advocate against all of this by saying all lives matter, the ppl that are the most hateful will look at you as an enemy and further cause the ppl that were trying to make them see the bigger picture are suddenly turning into racists because the asshats out there won't give it a rest, therefore creating more racists to exist. "hate begets hate" "cause and effect". it's the definition of insanity man.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: i'm just glad you see the bigger picture. that's a tough one to side with since everyone else just follows what the mob says without question.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@KEEPER: Yep, I see the bigger picture, and I'm integrating it with my personal experience. I don't deny having personal prejudices against people; I hate ghetto Blacks and ghetto Latinos probably more than I dislike Asians. At least I'm honest about it, which many people are not and even lie to their own selves. Every day, I try to work on said prejudice and soften my hardness against certain peoples and ethnicities. It's a slow process, because I keep getting shown examples and reminders of WHY I formed those prejudices in the first place. This is happening all the time, but at least my prejudice is based on real experiences and repeated experiences, not just xenophobia or inherited racist stances.

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