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CONFIRMED! Terrorists are INSIDE the United States and DHS knew about it | Redacted w Clayton Morris

Published on 06 Oct 2024 / In News & Politics

The Department of Homeland Security says that it cannot stop migrants with "terrorism ties" from illegally entering the U.S. A new report from the DHS called "2025 Homeland Threat Assessment" says this: "Over the next year, we expect some individuals with terrorism ties and some criminal actors will continue their efforts to exploit migration flows and the complex border security environment to enter the United States.” In other words: We don't got this.

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Councilof1 50 minutes ago

Sound's like the biggest threat to the United States is entirely internal; not China, Russia or Iran.

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GenerationLESS 2 hours ago

They've been pushing for a war with Russia, China, and Iran for 10 years (openly anyhow). We don't need to hate Russia, China, and Iran because the warmongers and media tell us to.
Russia, China, and Iran are not opening our borders to let in criminals and terrorists.
Russia, China, and Iran are not causing inflation, raising our prices, and running up our debt.
Russia, China, and Iran are not grooming our kids with LBGTQ..., telling them they're racists because of the color of their skin, drugging them with puberty blockers making them infertile, and performing life altering surgeries on them.
Russia, China, and Iran are not allowing teleprompter reading pedos to push propaganda on us.

No, it's our government that is doing all of that. The same government that tells us to fear and hate Russia, China, and Iran, and go to war with them.
I ain't doing it. Learn to say "NO!" everyone. There's more of us than there is of them. Grow a set.
(End of rant)

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