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Conservatives say men need to stay strong, while the left wants them soft and emotional like women

Published on 19 Nov 2024 / In People & Blogs

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ArgonRaysabre 1 month ago

What the hell is wrong with China? They've already shown they don't give a shit about human rights; how the hell did feminism even manage to get a foothold there?

Next election cycle, I'm standing with the Asteroid/Nukes ticket.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Er TikTok... bro

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Of course the sixty year musician is happy! He's pounding, young, tight 19 year old pus!? Duh! NonAmerican feminist pus.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

It's not that they can't help it; rather, it's their ego or pride that won't allow it... to recognize it.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

"I don't know how long this loneliness will last." Uhm, 35 to 85 is Loooooong time to be alone not to mention to live alone...

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profhugodegaris 1 month ago

BiBi, You're a smart guy, so you puzzle me when you say, "Men don't care about a woman's degree!" Masculists DO care about how well educated a potential female partner is, because masculists don't want to be man slaved and divorced raped by a fluffie (= traditional woman who expects to man slave and divorce rape a man.) Masculists want the divorce courts to be based on the principle of financial independence of both divorcing partners. That is only possible, if the woman has bothered to FIP up (FIP = financially independent person). Smart, masculisted, men care very much how financially and career competent a woman is.

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ArgonRaysabre 1 month ago

"Masculists want the divorce courts to be based on the principle of financial independence of both divorcing partners." What one wants, and what one can have are often not the same. The fact that you assert that men want this clearly shows that this isn't the case. If it were there'd be no need for the conversation. If what you suggest were true, then the majority of these high-earning and highly educated women would be married, or at least in relationships, but that's not what one sees when one even casually glances around the social landscape. Men, in general, don't give a rat's ass about a woman's education or financial status. Divorce court and the subsequent alimony payments that overwhelmingly go from men to women demonstrate that some woman who FIP up, as you put it doesn't mean diddly-squat. If you've got evidence to the contrary, I'd be happy to consider it.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@ArgonRaysabre: I see where he's coming from, but the majority of men I think don't care. I mean I want a woman educated enough o r artistically talented enough that I can have conversations with, but she still has to be sexy enough to "inspire me" you know my creativity and yeah, turn me on: I come to realize that this only exists as a pipe dream unless The Gods actually provide me with one.

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