Cooking What You Get
Published on 02 Jan 2022 / In
Film & Animation
Bugs are good protein
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Entitlement especially family or spouse entitlement will eventually burn out, but only if MEN ignore the entitled bitches in the first place? It will with most femon related shit only continue if the MAN fuels and Cucks to it? Ther best tjhing even a married MAN can to to ir's femon is to ignore it or disobey it, thern her AMMO Box is truly empty!
My Ex wqas a trained Chef, but got qualified and then didn't bother to carry it through, Well especially when it came to cooking for me the Husband at the time! I used to get presented with what I can only call a Full ASH TRAY! lol! I could never decide if it was Stogies or Meat, or Cigarette But's or Pasta? lol! Most modern femons have one use for a Kitchen these days and that is usually the sink to vomit in when they get home on a friday night saturday morning?
I know of a femon that got so pissed at a friends house that she went to toilet, well actually she went in the airing cupboard not the Bathroom and took a Shit in the friends Laundry Basket! lol! Can you imagine a Turd in a basket in a cupboard where the Boiler was on? Jeeeezzzz! lol!
another time the same femon, she want out to get some smokes for her friend to a shop two doors down, 3 hours later she came back with no smokes and as pissed as a fart and didn't even know where the fuck she had been? lol!
Mmmm Mmmmm Fresh Fast Fried Grass Hoppers....
In a cast iron pan, with lemon grass / spring onions and a little oil.