cop begs for her life after the shooters gun jammed
Published on 22 Oct 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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Princess Pudge of the Pony Tail Police
Doesn't pull her gun and spray his brains out - the moment his gun jams...
Nope - she literally just stands there squealing like a stuck pig.
And Inspector Dick - the 1000 pound prick - comes to the rescue...
Apparently the fat shits need to fail a fucking medical and an IQ test.
Am I the bad guy for rooting for the criminal?
I normally love cops, but not this imposter LARPing as one seeking stolen valor. She disgusts me on a visceral level. If the criminal had removed a feminist from the population would any thing of value have been lost?
WOW , classic example why whamyn should not be police officers. She panics, instead of controlling her emotions and drawing her gun
JESUS CHRIST!!! That was bad comedy! Shane, you took the words right out of my mouth..."squealing like a stuck pig"...and she's a fucking fat ass too boot! took long enough for the other retard to respond didn't it?