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Cops Find Man With Dementia in Bed With Dismembered Body

Published on 29 Aug 2024 / In News & Politics

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KEEPER 19 days ago  

why oh why do i watch this shit? now it's all censored because i got it off of youtube, but maybe it's for the best, i really don't want to throw up by seeing it.

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KEEPER 19 days ago

but the story alone is pretty fucked

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DarkMadDog21 18 days ago

sad all around. maybe if he was in a ward this would not have happened.

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sbseed 18 days ago

they where already told what to expect, what a bunch of pussies.

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sbseed 18 days ago

course they have a DEI hire there...
this is the most disorganized lackluster retarded thing ever...

"come on out we are not going to hurt you" that is a absolute lie,, also despite him having dementia but they are expecting him to respond and act like a regular healthy guy... so fucking stupid.

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sbseed 18 days ago

yea, because having a small army and wasting tax payer money is the way to go...
the whole thing is stupid...

the guy has demensia, HE IS NOT GOING TO RESPOND TO YOU MORONS...

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I read the title and "Oh God.... Fuck".

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Leader_Desslok 18 days ago

America needs to bring back the mental health industry and asylum-like institutions . SOON !

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KEEPER 18 days ago

@Leader_Desslok: they still exist, but it's up to the people or in this case the family to get it done before shit like this happens, my stepdad has a son who killed some people and he was bat shit insane, he was taken to a asylum of a kind, and to be honest with you, i don't think after the fact he should have been taken to an asylum, to me he deserves the death penalty, why do we keep these people alive after they killed others? i think that cruel and unusual punishment needs to come back for the most criminal of people in this world, sending them to an asylum is something you only do when you see the signs before they kill someone, not after the fact.

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@Leader_Desslok: I remember the exitement in Australia surrounding the closure of all the mental asylums, and to quote somone from LA, who worked in the street people industry, "What a great idea, as long as they promised to take their medication".... There really are a lot of people who cannot function in society - they need a REFUGE, an Asylum, to inhabit.... I have met the occassional one, and then there are people who are downright dangerous.... They should NOT be on the streets..... Then there are the usual scumbag junkie animals....

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