Cops RUIN Soldier's Life Over False BLM Accusations
Published on 22 Jul 2021 / In
News & Politics
Tim, Ian, and Lydia join Pedro Gonzalez, associate editor at Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, podcaster, and commentator, to discuss how the police actively ruined the life of a soldier who stood up to a menace in his neighborhood.
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Guest: Pedro Gonzalez
@Emeriticus (Twitter)
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Tim @Timcast (everywhere)
Ian @IanCrossland (everywhere)
Lydia @SourPatchLyds (Twitter, Minds), @RealSourPatchLyds (Gab, Instagram)
Podcast available on iTunes and Spotify, coming soon to all podcast platforms!
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maybe we need to go back to the wild wild west.
forget having lots and lots of police, maybe we should empower the entire populous with guns, and say fuck the police just like BLM and live as an prosperous nation once again.
you gotta have a good foundation in order to have a good infrastructure.
Fuck the cops. If the cops are doing this shit, shoot them too. Let them choose between being shot to death or being called rascist! If they don't arrest the Black offenders, well, they'll be dead soon enough...
Margaret Sanger had some valid observations.