Published on 11 Jun 2023 / In
Film & Animation
Is it the boys that are bad?
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Let's also remember Enititled femons because they think the are top of the pile by having baby's are still nothing. No MAN no BABY, they seem to have forgotten that haven't they?
Femo0ns have got far worse, I wouldn't engage in contact with a femon on the road. If I see the car infront is driven by a femon I give it a wide birth especially whilst overtaking. Femon's now (to me anyways), have nothing, not even the allure of the Pussy because that is even as rancid as the brain these day's. Nope they can no longer raise a smile from ME nether lone raise anything else! lol!
I got unde4rtaken by a femon a while back she blasted her horn and undertook my Motorcycle as the lanes merged. but seeing as I'm an expert on Mentally Ill Femon's I held back as she tried to brake check me (on my Motorcycle) So to get rid of this dangerous CUNT%, I signaled left at the next filter. as I did I knew she would cut across me and swerved in front of me. by the time she did that I had already stopped signaling and moved back to go straight on. She damned near took out a lamp post with her aggressive behavior and I laughed and waved to her ans sounded my horn. See Male logic out does femon emotion every time! lol! and I kept myself well out of danger
Best slang I've ever heard for police came from the UK. They referred to them as the filth. I don't know why but I found that particularly funny.
An incubator at best, a killer of the unborn at worst. Either way, society in the West celebrates the murder more….