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Published on 02 Dec 2022 / In Film & Animation


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BIGLOAD 2 years ago

'Office Space' portrays this in classic comedic form.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

If you haven't seen the "cube", I highly recommend it.

As someone who worked for a company that was involved in businesses with public entities, corruption is everywhere and assumes many forms. Sexual favours, monetary gain, exchange of favours...
All that is done in the dark, no one sees it, very few know the details, and no one talks about it. Everyone is gaining something or has a lot to lose.
Anything that is done at the government level, local, regional or national, there's ALWAYS something flowing from someone to someone else. Otherwise nothing happens.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

yea, the people who spend our tax money , get kick backs.. in business it is standard procedure for people to give referrals with the expectation of favors or cash payment.. It seems there is a whole class of people who expect to make a living this way.. without working for it . THEY WANT A CUT! even the newspaper I advertised in , prefer to get a percentage cut of the sales.. than straight advertising rates.. the purveyor gets much more exposure that way because the newspaper then has an interest in the business.. They call it pay for performance.. where the business poays nothing for advertising unless they make sales.. it creates hidden costs to thge consumer and higher prices.. and then a newcomer wonders why the newspaper protects the etstablishment.. because they are getting a percentage.. it seems kinda unethical to me..

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