Crackdown in Russia! ?
Published on 04 Mar 2022 / In
Film & Animation
I have to ask the question? Is time going Backwards oir is what is said here typically Western Media BULLSHIT, and propaganda? I myself am so fed up with BULLSHIT and the news in general I don't usually follow it anymore, it's all to much! A NUKE will have to land in my back garden before I will give a SHIT anymore about any of this crap? The odd thing is, if you simply put all this in the back of your mind and don't do FEAR, it myraculously all evaporates like as quickly as a nuked Western City! lol!
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So you're saying Putin acting is like Justin Trudeau, but with balls?
"A NUKE will have to land in my back garden before I will give a SHIT anymore about any of this crap? The odd thing is, if you simply put all this in the back of your mind and don't do FEAR, it myraculously all evaporates like as quickly as a nuked Western City! lol!"
I agree with the above.
fuck off child stealing state uk.......................ashamed to be associated with it and now careful who i tell im bloody british....fuck off