Crazy Designer World
Published on 21 Apr 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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Yep, one of those Luis Vuitton bags. I saw a lot of femons carrying that style when I was traveling more. I couldn't figure how it was a status thing when so many had one. No idea how many were real. I call them "shit bags" because of their color and to me they are ugly.
Welcome to a low trust society. £2000 bag is insane although when it comes to haute couture that's a low price. The best way to differentiate between real and knock off is thread count. Some knock offs are very difficult to tell from legitimate.
Love the Pink Panther music.
I've got better bag's than that in the shed full of old but useful tool's! lol!
I would have knicked that other bicycle next to the car remembering to throw that green glowing bag on the front away! lol!