Crazy old lady rages at builders
Published on 17 Jun 2021 / In
Film & Animation
This type of CUNT is all to common in the UK today? with a femininity ration of minus 99%, a MAN's hair cut and a mouth that could swallow a London Bus without chewing, you can find these CUNT'sa just about anywhere in the UK? Be it in a busy Street or even on a nice walk in the CUNTry, they lie in wait to catch the un suspecting good MAN out! lol! Not even other fefails are immune from them! and god forbid two of these monsters were to meet face to face! lol!
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Guys in England are a lot kinder to her than any of us would be in the U.S.
God I hate these kinds of nutters. The ladders now make her a thief.
She's impressed by her own voice and intelligence.
Like that where ever they have the freedom to be that, even in some of the places they don't.