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Crazy Pedestrians, Angry Drivers & Road Rage [Cyclists & Bicycle Riders Ep

Published on 24 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation

If YOU are a MOTORIZED raod user this vid will make you tear your hair oput! lol! It's Sanctimonious Bike rider's breaking all the rules and blaming every one but themselves for iccident's. Remember these people are CUNT's and just because they have 2 wheeks and pedals they are still CUNT's but on bikes. they probably have never looked at a highway code, because I spotted many infringments in these video's, like You stop at RED LIGHTS even on a bike, YOUI should (BY LAW) dismount a bike when you cross a crossing., when their is a designated Cycle lane FUCKING use it. Cars are not allowed in xyxcle lane's hence the unbroken line so they don't have to give you 1.5 m clearance, just NOT enter the lane, on thaqt basic you shouldent pass vehicles on the inside even on a cycle lane. Then if you are cycling in the inside at a left turn (in the UK and get knocked off that is your fault and problem if you intend to go straight on in a left turn only lane. Cyclist are CUNT's and are becoming the bane of the roads because they don't use common sense. when it is said they can use the whole lane that is open to interpritation it doesn'rtt mean these IGNORANT CUNTs can ride in the middle of the road for no reason. When I pass Cyclist even giving them 1.5m space I toot my horn to let them know as the Highway Code say's that I am their and they are a possible obstruction, but what do you get? I mouthful of fucking abuse from these CUNT's which does them no favor's as they are already in such a short time Really HATED by other road users and pedestrians alike, here endeth the reading! lol! Well not quite - What is gonna happen if this 20 MPH comes in? Are cyclist going to think they can pass us especially on the inside. where the Cycle lanes end at lights or crossings I put my wheels just my side of the line when on my Motorcycle. I do this so they cant jump lights and hurt someone, yet I get abuse because the motorcycle over hang although isn't in the cycle lane illegally it stops these CUNT's ghetting by, Plus the 1.5 rule appies to them out on the road as well. Even when they have cycle lane and bus lanes they will behave like CUNT's and ride in the middle of the road. The first cyclist (I use that term CYCLIST Sparingly), the first one that collides with me on a pavement or a place they shouldn't be I will stamp on their wheels so they will have to drag home! lol! Fuck I enjoyed thgis RANT! lol! Oh! one other thing for these FUCK WIT's - when over taking parked vehicle you should be 1,5 m from said vehicle, all you cunt's today are really gonna spoil it for the future bike user because your arrogance will inforce law's against you eventually when the Petrol sales star to drop and cars start vanishing, who else is gonna have to replace that LOST revinue? LOL!

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

What a whiny bitch-- perhaps slowdown at intersections... Damn. No wonder Matt of the Matt and Blonde show wants to go full Mad Max on these ten speeders..

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mrghoster 1 year ago

Some thoughts on making the Roads safer from Cyclists - First the Cyclist NOT the bike should be insured. they can ride any bike but THEY the person will have to be insured, this WILL mean that the rider takes ALL responsibility for the use of the BIKE. Maybe this can be incorporated with their car insurance as I see many Chelsea Tractor's with bikes strapped on them especially on a Sunday and I bet they are NOT going to church unless it's to their Cycling Funeral that is! lol! Bikes should be randomly inspected at the road side for poor upkeep problems. Maybe issued with a FINE that seems to be the con of the day for the Motorist? Bikes should be mandatory to carry either a registration plate like motor vehicles or a plate displaying their postal or Zip ~Code, this can be inter changible to any insured riders bike. Helmets, knee and arm pads should be compulsory. Lights here is a big one Lights should be like Motorcycles on at all times when riding, let's even go to the rule of mandatory indicator's a brake light (both already available in fact). A Cycling Proficiency Test should be compulsory for ALL ages, seporate from any held licence, but it could be added to a License with penalty points and fine's that will affect any usage of said licence for any vehicle covered. I would advocate ALL this and you can blame it on the Lycra FAGGOT assholes who cant follow a few simple safely rules right now and take responsibility for injury or damage they cause, The sooner the better would be my mantra for this one! Yep the same ol' story the few spoil it for everyone! lol!

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Idk man. I do agree with the light: I supported or "bought" two IndoGoGo/Kickstarter projects for this: One the

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

One that was completed was a helmet with "headlight" and Rear light... I was planning to go partial ebike when gas prices got too high before the Plandemic's Lockdown. The second one was a shoulder like harness you wore to have break light and left and right turn arrows, but during the Lockdown, they went under due to increased microchip pricing... I an still considering ebikes. I think I was two or three: One (or two models) is a fold up-- to like use abd then, fold up and bring into the office or place in my car... the other two models, off road and off/on road designs had GPS on then...still not sure how I feel about that..

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mrghoster 1 year ago

@WMHarrison94: I did concider an Ebike, but in the UK you are restricted to 12mph with them (250W) so they are really ma waste of money and a poor economy when even at my age I can easily ride a peddle cycle at 20/25 mph because many years ago i used to race bikes and even Motorcycles, and the effort needed foe me is minimal,BUT I wont be riding a bike until I REALLY need to. I'm not going to use myself to plug the government communist agenda. I won't relinguish my ICE of any type until the last puff of exhaust comes or my last puff of air come's to me. where I live has a very good Cytcle lane system, but do9 you see these twats on then with their bikes? NO they chjose to go on thr Road, then wonder why they get hurt or killed. A bicycle may well be the best machine ever for transfering the body into mechanical power that I agree on, but they didn't bargen on the human fuck wit mind? I've seen many of thesde indiots even run into each other nether lone car's Sorry to say Legislation is a MUST and it cant come soon enough.

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mrghoster 1 year ago

I had a reason for posting this video, because over the weekend I've done an experiment and some research and It is all without breaking ANY Highway code section you like to choose! This experiment is in a couple of parts aimed at and against the Cyclist's bad road habit's. what follows is a selection of perfectly LEGAL things that as a MOTORCYCLIST anyways you can do to piss off and put the Lycra Lout FAGGOT's in their place. 1- how to stop said FAGGOT from jumping Red Lights. when I pull up at lights now I move to the left (UK) alongside the cycle lane. M

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Mustang 1 year ago

Bicyclists only obey the rules of the road when it's convenient for them. What Dwebs!!!

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14 seconds in..... they are riding too close to the car doors.. that can swing wide open at any time....

Car doors with their nasty thin edge and their square sharp top corners - they is bad to run into - face height / head height and all...

OK so now that I have torn all my hair out and am bald...

I think I will go buy a bicycle, and make cool videos of me breaking all the road rules - just to piss some pommy git off....

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