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Cream Of Mushroom Soup | Easy & Delicious Soup Recipe TUTORIAL

Published on 15 Mar 2023 / In Film & Animation


250 grams chopped chestnut mushrooms
150 grams chopped baby button mushrooms
1 chopped medium onion
4 minced garlic cloves
1/4 cup plain flour
3 tablespoons butter
600 ml vegetable stock
1/2 cup double cream
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1/2 tablespoon dried parsley
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vegetable stock powder


.in large pot on medium heat add 3 tablespoons butter
.once melted add 1 chopped medium onion, 4 minced garlic cloves, cook until tender
.add 250 grams chopped chestnut mushrooms
.add 150 grams chopped baby button mushrooms, cook for 5 minutes
.add 600 ml vegetable stock, 1/2 teaspoon vegetable stock powder
.add 1/2 teaspoon thyme, 1/4 teaspoon salt
.add 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper & mix well
.add 1/4 cup plain flour & mix well
.add 1/2 cup double cream, 1/2 tablespoon dried parsley
.Mix well and cook medium to low heat for 5 to 10 minutes

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The only way to beat them - is too out eat them!

And the winner of the Best Carp Cooking Competition is?

Remember to share this post with others!

Yeah to be fair, until I knew better, I regarded carp as nothing more than "floating shit sandwiches"...

I have gathered together about 8 or so REALLY good videos on things to do to them, to remove the bits that make them smell really rotten.....

From Australia, from Asia and from Europe - and the people are showing what bits to take out, and how to prepare them, and they then rate as very good eating...

It's like the magic tricks of humanity - like shelling prawns or getting the meat out of oysters....

There is a difference between people who fumble their way through a few dozen at christmas, or people who prepare them professionally at the markets, or in big seafood resturants, and can do a few thousand a day.

There is the knowledge and techniques that make all the difference...

There are ways to remove the stinky bits like the blood line and similar, how to fillet them to get rid of all the big bones, and cook out the fine bones and other ways to remove the fish stink in other ways and or to cook and season them.

There are people who only cook and eat the fillets, and there are people who cook and eat the entire fish, skin, head, eggs, etc.


Someone is making money out of them.....

Chinese Fishing Company Harvesting Asian Carp

Utah Lake-Carp Removal - 5 million pounds / 2 million kilos a year, and turning them into what?

Rebranded as Silver Fin, and going into resturaunts.


This is what happens when you give a carp to a professional chef

Filleting and Eating The Most Hated Fish in Australia. The Common Carp

How to Catch, Prepare and Cook Carp

De-Boning Asian Carp (and other carp/suckers)

A Japanese restaurant that has been in business for 102 years and serves exquisite carp dishes.

Invasive Asian carp: an expensive menace but a surprising entrée

The secret to eating carp

Best Way to Cook Carp Fish - Fish & Chips

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

damn... you just gor me thinking... I had a Word Press site and my own hosted site, but I wonder if we could host a site here on MGTOW.tv in addition to our page site... like post recipes or downloadable presentations and shit?!

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@WMHarrison94: It's 5 pm and I have been up since 5am... Not thinking clearly... The thing is that the retards from the Australian TV stations - 40 years ago were pushing that carp were hard to kill, full of bones, tasted like shit and people would rather starve to death than eat them.... and that is what so many Australians grew up - these are floating shit sandwiches..... but people all around the world have been cooking them up, removing the stink and dealing with the bones in many clever ways and I just compiled the global info, to teach people in Australia, what everyone else around the world is doing and that they are highly prized and good eating fish... Here we were indoctrinated to reef them out of the rivers and to leave them to die in the sunshine on the bank... Overseas, they are turning everybit of them in to food... from just the fillets, to the head, the intestines, the skin with scales, the bones and meat etc...

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@WMHarrison94: And the eggs are turned into Caviar too...

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

It's kind of funny... I was binge watching the anime Food Wars Season 1 on my HiDive subscription on Amazon Prime-- just canceled it this month. Too much censoring for my taste... and here I find more cooking shows from your channel...

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Posting a formatted reply as a comment ^^^^^^^.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Hmmm... I like it. I don't like onions though except for green onions and fried onion rings... I though chicken stock or chicken broth was used. The one thing the Navy gave me besides experience was the love for the cream of mushroom soup. I like how they have the little teaspoon cups for dumping in the ingredients... plus it looks like she's cooking on an induction pad... nice set up though.

Good video...One of the things I like about cream of mushroom is how it is used in a lot of dishes. I could make a keto version with King Arthur's Keto flour or Glutton free flour, maybe even using coconut or almond flour for the thickening... and then use it to make green bean casserole, the more keto version. Yeah, I saw Amar named you out specifically for some of the recipes he's made and eaten... Cool. I might make some keto chocolate chip cookies tonight with keto flour and stevia chocolate chips. We had a bad freezing rain storm last night... If I can figure out how to record and use my tripods to look over cooking, mixing, and baking... I wonder if I could make some good cooking videos soon... I can record right now, but the sound is till fucked up from some damn Windows update... I need to make a Linux computer soon, but right now, I am trying to keep my license and finish registering it...

Well, any rate, thanks for the idea and inspiring cooking video bro...

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Well cooking is really good...

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Yeah... and theraputic too. I am all for cooking your own especially with all this manufactured poisoned food being pushed.

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