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Cream Pies & Cheese Cakes - MGTOW

Published on 22 Jun 2021 / In People & Blogs

⁣Rub Done Right - The Everything Rub!

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Chris. He saw me posting some dietary information under one of the Vention MGTOWs videos and he asked me if I could share my health tips and diet. Many you have probably heard about my health issues for years now and don't want to hear anymore about it. But I think it's important for the younger guys to learn that the good health they take for granted right now won't be there in ten or fifteen years. Your body ages slowly and the problems start very slowly and if you don't deal with them as soon as possible you can find yourself overwhelmed with problems. My diet is an extremely low carb keto diet. Seventy percent of my calories come from olive oil twenty percent from seeds and nuts and ten percent comes from chicken and fish. I didn't choose to eat this way. Vention has been dealing with cancer for a couple of years now and from time to time he cheats on his diet. I would cheat from time to time for a few months and my skin would get really hard and painful from bacteria and a fungal infection. So I would go back to my strict diet and my condition would improve and then I would start cheating again and it would get bad again. So in mid January of 2020 I decided that's it I'm done cheating and haven't veered off course since then. But imagine never eating fruit, grains, legumes, nightshades, sugar, coffee, caffeine and seasonings on food. I'm still debating giving myself one cheat day a year. If nothing happens then once every six months and keep cutting the time down so long as I don't have any issues. Plus I can't cheat with all foods. All the foods I just mentioned on my list I'm actually allergic to. Except for blueberries, raspberries and strawberries but I won't eat those for the carbs. My allergies are so bad I have a chronic sore throat that gets infected and has almost killed me a couple of times. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Rub Done Right: Anyways, now back to the cream pie clown world show. Remember that I'm not a dietitian of physician so please do your own research with your diet and health. Everyone is different. So I haven't been cheating on my diet but I've still given myself a little release valve. Today I cheat with one or two extra almonds per day. That doesn't sound like anything but when you eat a diet with only 2 or 3 net carbs per day your body can taste the sugar in green leaves and in nuts as well. When I first stopped all sugar a few years ago I had terrible withdrawal symptoms that lasted about a month where I had the worst anxiety in my life. My suggestion to anyone that stops sugar is do it gradually or your body is going to punish you for it. I also eat the same things everyday. Three meals. The first is three boiled eggs with pink salt. I boil or bake everything because about three to four months ago my body started getting horrible reflux. Before it was silent reflux and then it became real burning like the fires of hell reflux and heartburn. I also eat 10 grams of almonds, 25 grams of pumpkin seeds and 25 grams of sunflower seeds. I have a boy Choi salad with 3 table spoons of olive oil. The greens are there to help get the olive oil in my mouth. I can't even add vinegar because it would cause a problem. The olive oil left on my plate after the salad is gone I throw the seeds on and use it as a way to help get the remaining olive oil down my throat as well. My other two meals are different but identical.

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tekrat 4 years ago

try some tai chi sandman and you may need to eat more protein for the excess stomach acid also check your neck and shoulder alighment because misalignment can lead to GERD.

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

my cure for too low acid levels: sprite zero
my cure for too high acid levels: sodium bicarbonate

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

@AlishaBond: fucking bot... blocked until Amr adds a spam filter

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AvyScottAndFlower 4 years ago

One thing I've discovered through cleaning my diet is how DIFFICULT it is, to mentally let go of the stereotype that being higher in weight is ¨more manly¨

Being overweight, fat, having your arteries clogged, having a shorter lifespan/faster metabolism and joint pain/lesions (from eating a lot and doing a lot of physical work) to have more mass and defend the whamens with it on any physical confrontation, or at least create the threat of it, like a good, obedient beast of burden/defend DOG is supposed to be MANLY, and it's REALLY difficult to let go of those ideas, and accept having a lower weight

Even DIET is deeply gynocentric/(misandric) in the Gynocracy, FFS.

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AvyScottAndFlower 4 years ago

You can add some variety to the diet with different types of (healthy) fish. Salmon is quite healthy. Plenty of it in CUCK-nada, AFAIK.

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